I was short of Christmas cards by five, so I popped up to our local card shop and bought half a dozen appropriate cards, took them home and purchased the postage (labels) online from Royal Mail site.
I then stuck the labels to the correct card/envelope and was really pleased with myself. I still had plenty of time to pop them up to the mail box, via the co-op (local food store). Here I checked the cards were in the correct envelopes, and yep all was good so I started licking and sticking, and suddenly realised, I'd forgotten to write messages in the bloody cards! So, I then had to unstick the gooey ones, buy a roll of selotape and start writing with a borrowed pen with absolutely freezing fingers.
End of story, if any of the recipients of these cards can actually understand the scribbled messages they are far, far better people than me
I then stuck the labels to the correct card/envelope and was really pleased with myself. I still had plenty of time to pop them up to the mail box, via the co-op (local food store). Here I checked the cards were in the correct envelopes, and yep all was good so I started licking and sticking, and suddenly realised, I'd forgotten to write messages in the bloody cards! So, I then had to unstick the gooey ones, buy a roll of selotape and start writing with a borrowed pen with absolutely freezing fingers.
End of story, if any of the recipients of these cards can actually understand the scribbled messages they are far, far better people than me