(Forgive me as this topic is quite old but I feel as if I have to reply to it. Also...this is a bit long.)
It's interesting that the topic of a LOTSW computer game should come up. You see, a while ago, I came up with my own idea of what a LOTSW video game could be. First, it would have been released on the Playstation 3 had it actually been released (or produced). Given the nature of Summer Wine itself, this game would be more like an open world type of video game where you could roam around freely (or at least in the places that would be available to you until you complete certain objectives).
One idea I had for the game was that it could go through different eras as you progress through the game. For instance, the game could start in late 1930's Yorkshire (Or, the era of First Of The Summer Wine). Here, you could play as Young Norman Clegg as you go around pre-WWII Yorkshire and completing different objectives (kind of like a tutorial, helping you get the feel of the controls as well as the mechanics of the game). Once you've completed the objectives of this era, you are given the choice to move on to the next era (The Balmire era).
The eras are represented by the third men (and later on, trios in general). So, once the objectives of the Balmire era are completed, you can move on to the first Foggy era, then the Seymour era, and so on. The appearance of the characters would change according to each era, which means they would appear younger in the earlier eras while they would appear older in the later eras.
The main objectives in the game are based on events of episodes of the television program. They would also correspond with their respective eras. So, for instance, during the first Foggy era, there would be an objective based on "The Loxley Lozenge". Seeing as this game would be an open world game, you'll have to check the map (Maybe it could be brought up by pressing 'Select') to find where the objective is marked. There are several ways to get there: On foot, on your bike, or by bus. Sometimes, even by a ride from other character (Wesley, perhaps?). Every main objective would have to be completed in order to advance to the next era. Some of the objectives would take place during the night ("Getting Sam Home" and "Welcome To Earth") so you'll be given the chance to take an in-game rest and pass the time to night or day.
There are also side objectives that you can skip, such as fetch quests ('Go get x item from Ivy' or 'Return x item to Smiler'). The objectives themselves would be played out like a mini-game. For instance, in the case of the Loxley Lozenge, you could control the couch as it's going down the road with the three men on it, making sure it doesn't go too fast to the point of missing it's mark (Behind Ashley Jackson). Tilting the PS3 controller itself would be ideal for this.
As for who you can control, for most of the time you would be playing as Clegg but when the time comes for it, you would be able to control the other men as well. Of course, the men you can control depends on the era you are playing in.
The locations from the show would be replicated to a T in the game, making it feel as if you are actually there in Cleggy's house or Ivy's Cafe. Not to mention, the character models would be rather realistic (or as much as the PS3's hardware can make them) with each character's movements identical to those of their real life counterparts. Of course, the Yorkshire countryside would be replicated rather well, complete with cow pats.
As for the voice acting in the game, any of the surviving cast members would voice their respective characters while characters whose actors/actresses are sadly no longer with us would be voiced by sound-alikes.
The music would have been composed by Ronnie Hazlehurst (He was still around when I thought of this).
Either way, that's pretty much my idea of what a Summer Wine video game could be like. Of course, I am not really talented enough to even began to bring this game into existence.
So, what do you lot think of it?