Pearl...ASK FOR HELP!! and USE IT!!!
I too took a while to ask for help and it pretty much knocked me for a six before I did.
My mother is living independently in a Granny flat in our back yard but that will not be able to continue much longer.
I finally decided that help was needed and I now have home help come in every day to clean and also for company for Mum.
Unfortunately with my situation, HERS aggravates mine and this is not good for either of our health. I am now just starting the process of formally becoming legal guardian etc as
the doctors have now determined she is incapable of looking after her own affairs. While I have been doing it "De-facto" as it were for the last few years, I have been putting off actually going through
the legal procedure. I don't really have a choice any more!
The only way people can deal with situations like this is to be detached from the situation. BUT when it is your own family member, that is VERRRRY difficult. It also places a strain on the rest of the family.
Just remember that in order to care for your Dad, YOU have to take care of yourself first. It seems very selfish but you do no-one any favours by not getting help.
I know the health care situations in different countries varies so I don't know how yours operates exactly but all I can say is take every bit of help you can get! (I am still struggling & trying to apply that advise to myself.
