Or stand on the parapet in a Robe with a staff being told to jump in?
No, but I was sorely tempted to throw the laptop in the lake.
Friday went broadly according to plan.
I planned to film in Sands recreation area on the bridge Saturday morning with
petedk42, anticipating there would just be a few dog-walkers and not too many children in the play area at 8:30am. Then people turned up with traffic cones and signs directing cars to use the sports field as a carpark for, as probably everyone but me knew, the F-food F-festival. So much for my planning.
The aforementioned laptop (being used as teleprompter) decided to crash and while I was going through the familiarly frustrating restart sequence, someone parked in the spot I was going to stand in.
Did you know there is more than one "Intake Lane" in the area? Google Maps doesn't know. "Our" Intake Lane is on the map but is ignored in Google travel directions. I have no sense of direction and rely on the satnav. I input "Intake Lane" and arrived at a different one, 10 miles away.
However, we did get to film at some more iconic locations, as well as Meal Hill House.
Still more to do ... when time and resources permit.
petedk42, in a Spielberg moment.