Next Question.
Other than Summer Wine, what are your favourite British shows?
Your favourite American shows?
My favourite British comedy's are. In no particular order.
Keep Up Appearances
Open All Hours
Dinner ladies
British Drama
George Gently
Scott and bailey
DCI Banks
Midsummer Murder
Any thing by Agatha Christie
US Comedy
Everybody Loves Raymond
Two And Half Men ( With Charlie Sheen)
Mike And Molly
US Drama
I used to like NCIS and CSI but they got a bit samey so don't really watch them now
I was a HUGE Lost fan............. Didn't a clue what was going on but loved it. ( The ending was **** :'()
I really liked Terra Nova ( Teeny weeny crush type thingy with Stephen Lang

Alcatraz ......... Really annoyed with Fox because they had 2 new original shows, Alcatraz and Terra Nova and only did 1 season of both!!)
And a really big fan of West Wing.
My current favourite is Falling Sky
I know you didn't ask about films but I thought I'd throw in a freebie in for you

I like disaster movies ( The bigger and cheesier the disaster the better)
Towering Inferno
The Day After Tomorrow, that kind of thing.
I like anything with Humphrey Bogart in ( Teeny weeny crush thingy going on there too :-[)
Ice Cold In Alex
Ice Station Zebra
Apollo 13
I like a bit of Sci-Fi and anything involving getting lost. There seems to be a patten forming here about getting lost, I must find a trick-cyclist one of these days.
Sorry about the long post ;D