For Train Enthusiasts (tongue firmly in cheek)

You have a lot to answer for! Just sat and watched/listened to the scrolling score by GeruBach three damn times. Absolutely beautiful.
And in the train horn one I just loved the appearence of Thomas the tank engine (briefly :) )
Very cleverly assembled.
You have a lot to answer for! Just sat and watched/listened to the scrolling score by GeruBach three damn times. Absolutely beautiful.
I'm glad you enjoyed it (or were mesmerized by it)! It came to my attention from a young woman in northern Germany via her aunt, an acquaintance in my area who raises and sells flowers at the local farmers' market. She's there every week without fail, except for one week when the neighboring vendors minded her stall while she was out of town at her American naturalization ceremony.
If they were real train horns, then someone put a lot of work and effort into it. Magnificent!
They may be real. A friend sent it to a friend of hers who has traveled widely all over Europe and the UK. He has perfect pitch and a very good memory for sounds. He replied that he had always heard different trains as having unique-sounding horns. In his opinion, they were real train horns.
On the News today there is a report of a Major Fire at Thomas Land Drayton Manor , thankfully no one was injured . Whilst the Fat Controller ran around panicking what to do quick thinking Thomas despatched Harold the Helicopter who dropped a huge amount of water and put the fire out . A mechanical fault is thought to have caused the blaze but the Troublesome Trucks are being questioned in case it was arson.
