Gentle Comedies

Occasionally there are a few follow ons or spin offs which are sometimes better than the original, Terry & June for example. First Of The Summer Wine is okay too albeit definitely not better than the original!
what about some old fav's like Bless This House, and spinoffs Robins next etc...
Robin's nest was a spin-off from Man About the House. He qualified as a chef.
A series I am currently watching that I recall viewing in the early 2000s is The Mighty Boosh. Warning, it's a bit nuts, so I advise watching one episode per session.
I am also a fan of the quirky show plus have watched Noel Fielding's Luxury Comedy which is even more quirky than the Boosh . Of course both are pale imitations of Spike Milligan's Q series which was astoundingly off the wall but just brilliant.
Keeping with LOTSW characters, nobody's mentioned "In loving memory " with our Thora & Christopher Beeny. Got the box set.
I've been watching a lot of vintage comedy recently as a lot has been uploaded to various video channels. I think the key ingredients of a gentle comedy are a slower pace of life, an immersive world which relaxes when you watch and one which you'd probably like to live in. And to me LOTSW fits this brief perfectly. The only other 2 I can think of which are truly similar are Hinge & Bracket and Oh Dr Beeching again I'd be very contented to live in Stackton Tressell or on Hatley Station.
I like Ever Decreasing Circles which is a shoe in for a gentle comedy tag but boy would I not wish to live in the Close . Martin Bryce is a genuine guy and cares deeply about the community and the Close itself but I would be driven mad by all of the idiosyncratic bureaucracy Mr B promotes and then there's all those committee meetings :13:
I've not seen EDC much but another idyllic comedy life is probably French Fields, I'd be happy living in that world too! But French Fields is so gentle, nothing happens in it and it's not particularly funny IMO (sorry @Peripheral I know you love it)
How about the "will they or won't they" gentile [romantic] comedy which ran from 1973 till 1986....."JUST GOOD FRIENDS"...featuring Penny [Jan Francis] the beautiful well educated lady,and Vince [Paul Nicholls] the velvet tongued lothario....streetwise,but a rough diamond.
The only man who has EVER dumped Penny....they meet again....and we all ask the question " will they get back together ???".....
Even now people remember the name Paul Nicholls" as Vince...he was a real heart throb back in 80' suits,plenty of patter,and lovely blond hair....every man of a "certain age" wanted to be him !.
It was gentle harmless fun,with no rude or offensive content.
I wouldn't mind living near the Grapes , the pub featured as the focus of Early Doors which is another of my favourite but undervalued comedies . It is a quite brilliant observational comedy about the barflies who frequent the pub . I have to laugh everytime the two suspect Policemen turn up and their tales of operational life in the Force and how they behave is so funny and a contrast to real Officers today . It is so hard to fill 30 minutes with a limited cast but ED does it and more.
I wouldn't mind living near the Grapes , the pub featured as the focus of Early Doors which is another of my favourite but undervalued comedies . It is a quite brilliant observational comedy about the barflies who frequent the pub . I have to laugh everytime the two suspect Policemen turn up and their tales of operational life in the Force and how they behave is so funny and a contrast to real Officers today . It is so hard to fill 30 minutes with a limited cast but ED does it and more.
Yes I love that comedy too, Cagney & Lacey as the coppers are called :p

I get the impression it's in quite a deprived area of Manchester so I'd probably not want to live there, there are funny moments in the pub, but sometimes it appears a bit depressing in there for me, especially with that miserable old bloke who's name escapes me..
Tommy ! I have been in a few bars like that there is a camaraderie between all the regulars and when you go in as a Lone Ranger there's total silence . I always considered whistling the song from The Good , The Bad and the Ugly but stopped short . I can identify with most of the characters in there thankfully not Phil and Nige but in years gone buy I can imagine that Bobbies had the odd quiet snifter on their beat . :)
Like "The Slaughtered Lamb" in American Werewolf in London Captain !.
I always find that Liverpool and Newcastle are very similar cities.
The people share a genuine warmth and unique sense of humour...very self depreciating...we can laugh at ourselves !!!.
I have had a few wonderful nights in the bars of the Quayside !!.
We have many pubs like The Grapes....they will be in areas close to the docks,where you will have many generations of the same family living closely together.....they maybe cautious of strangers,but once they know you are a friend for life !!!.
Exactly like the Slaughtered Lamb MoodyBlue a great example . You are correct people of Liverpool and Newcastle happily will laugh at ourselves for example a Geordie can never go on and win Countdown as we only have one vowel in our language ................ "E" ;)
Know there are some Carry On film fans on here . On the BBC Sounds App on catch up there is an hour long show Carry On Up the Archive hosted by Jim Dale . Its a series of old radio interviews with many of the stars with anecdotes and memories of filming . It is sadly only available for 12 days so if you want to listen a few times there isn't long left .