Hello from the U.S., Ohio

Hello there, I visit the site as and when and have just noticed your arival. Welcome from another long standing- actually sitting - member!
Hi, cciaffone. I'm just now exploring Delaware! Nice place, some old buildings, antique stores... Of course, everything pales, compared to Yorkshire. (Sigh.)
Hello Cleggy's Sis,

Don't despair there is a link between Yorkshire and Deleware and specifically a LOTSW episode and Delaware . I could make this a quiz question but I will resist . I talk of the Christmas Special a Tale of Two Sweaters and everyone knows [certainly Perry Como did] the answer to the question "what did Del-a-ware boy, what did Delaware " was a New JERSEY ......... groan :eek::fp::fp::fp:
This show has been my favorite for 25 years! Our local PBS station stopped showing it a long time ago, and there aren't many here who know about it. When I want to get away, I just close my eyes and visualize the Yorkshire countryside. I'm so glad you all are here.
Hello Cleggy's Sis. We are all still here and would love to hear from you.:37: You have been missed. Come and join in the chat.
Yup! Just snuck out for some shopping with the little lady and
then mixed another Manhattan. Getting ready to go out for dinner
at Bocci's here in Durham.