Welcome to the forum Sis 

Hi, next door to you as well in Kentucky.
Hi Emma, do you keep reading the posts? We would love to hear from you.Hi, I'm next door to you in Indiana!
Hey Amos, you were last seen Nov 5th. You didn't go up in a rocket did you?hey. Welcome home
Hello Cleggy's Sis. We are all still here and would love to hear from you.This show has been my favorite for 25 years! Our local PBS station stopped showing it a long time ago, and there aren't many here who know about it. When I want to get away, I just close my eyes and visualize the Yorkshire countryside. I'm so glad you all are here.
Hey cciaffone, you have gone quiet. Are you OK?Yes definitely.
Howard and Marina (like a boat place)
and NOT Howard and Mariana.
Good to hear from you. Enjoy the dinner.Yup! Just snuck out for some shopping with the little lady and
then mixed another Manhattan. Getting ready to go out for dinner
at Bocci's here in Durham.