Hi from marsden


thought I'd say hello, I live in marsden, home of aunties shop and many other summer wine well known scenes . I grew up watching them film and it was a wonderful part of my childhood. We met the cast a few times and even got a small part in crumbs as part of the school choir singing. I'm a diehard fan and find watching the show somewhat like a warm comfort blanket. My favourite periods were with foggy and clegg has always been my favourite. That said I did have an adolescent fancy towards marina .
Welcome !!! You lucky person!!! Being able to visit all of those locations where they filmed pretty much any time you feel like it must be great. I have asked about other locations before but is there any reverence shown to the show and what it did for Marsden regarding tourism ? If you were not a fan of the show would you simply not be able to see anything tangible that reminded you that the show was basically filmed there ? It is really nice to see another diehard fan join the forum , especially one who has appeared in such a classic episode of the show [ Crums is cited by many people on the forum as their favourite Christmas episode] . I do hope you enjoy your time on the forum and I look forward to your posts . :)
Thanks for the welcome, sadly unlike holmfirth there is little mention of the show in tourism in marsden. You would have to be shown locations such as aunt wainwrights shop, that said the packhorse bridge used so often is unmistakable but well out of the village. I am proud of living here and of the show.
I thought as much I have said before I think it is despicable that the local councils have not in someway recognised the growth in tourism the show generated . A little while back I was in contact with the tourist office in Holmfirth pointing out that there were more locations they could highlight in their giveaway brochure other than the obvious Sid's Cafe and Nora's house .

They seemed keen so I spoke with Pete , one of our members, who added a large number of photos showing a still from the show and a photo of the location as it is now [if you haven't looked at the photo section it is well worth it ] and he was happy for me to send them copies which I did . Since then sadly the trail went cold , the last letter I had said they were considering including but wanted to ensure they did not impact on the tour bus enterprise that runs from Sid's Cafe location which it wouldn't [ and same goes for the walking tour which I was on a month or so ago] .

I won't give up I intend trying different avenues to see if I can persuade them its a good idea.
Hello and welcome to the forum. We are looking forward to hearing from a native. I am from the USA and can only dream about visiting your beautiful villages and locations.
Hello, welcome. I don't get up to Holmfirth area much but am always interested to hear about it .I am in North Notts and have to get my family to take me on trips.;)
Hi , yes it's a lovely place to live, every season is a joy and the hills as in the show are a constant source of enjoyment. I'm lucky as I live high on the valley side above the village and love the view as the year goes by.
Welcome Clegghurst, I have been to the Marsden locations many times to watch the filming, and only on the odd occasion has another fan stumbled across the filming, Marsden was probably used more than Holmfirth yet Holmfirth got all the fame, which for Marsden may be a good thing
Hi Clegghurst. Yes I watched some filming at Marsden, when they built the bridge which Mr Lucy falls off in The Pony Set. I met Stephan Paczai who told me that they had to build the bridge because they could not find the right one that they needed in Yorkshire.
Our local council are not exactly viewed in a good light at the mo.

My general impression is that the council is trying to discourage visitors. For me, the final straw was when they closed the public convenience in Marsden in 2012, along with those in several additional towns. And they didn't even have the courtesy to inform the National Trust so they could edit their Marsden Moor Estate Facilities and Access list.
Our council is corrupt, their housing plans prove that, building all over green belt. I used to live above tunnel end, almost directly over the tunnel ports at number 1 ainsley lane. Cleggs expression in my profile pic is how most of us feel about the councils actions on most things.
I used to live above tunnel end, almost directly over the tunnel ports at number 1 ainsley lane.

Is that the 2-story stone house with a lower 2-story addition and a barn, which in August of 2015 had a sign on the gable end facing Manchester Road that read "Ian Baker, Joiner" and a couple of phone numbers?

No, I'm not familiar with that spot "in person", but I spend far too much time strolling around the area in Google Earth.