I have no idea as to what kind of personality Marina's mom has, but Howard could go there. Remember the bathtub episode? Auntie Wainright wasn't asked to deliver the tub from a "friend". Howard felt perfectly welcome and comfortable to personally take it to her with the aid of his friends; so he also felt comfortable enough to take mates. Maybe though she wasn't as open as Marina and wasn't..you know..comfortable with this married guy sitting in the home for hours. Or maybe, she was a shrewd judge of character and saw Howard very differently than Marina. Perhaps she couldn't stop Marina from seeing him, but he wasn't one of her favorite people.That makes sense, I forgot about that. I use to have this headcanon that Marina's mom was just like her and raised her to be the way she is, but if Howard couldn't go to Marina's house, now I'm wondering if maybe her mom was this really strict lady who doesn't allow that kind of thing and Marina rebelled against her. Lol

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