Dedicated Member
I've been poking around the forum a bit and really enjoy what I've read so I figured I'd come in and introduce myself before making any more posts.
I'm Don and I'm from Beautiful So Cal (Silver Lake, Los Angeles to be more specific).
I first came across LOSW while flipping through channels to test the colors on my new TV in 2002. It was the episode Bicycle Bonanza. The trio were sitting on a hill after Foggy had just been snooping around a vehicle when the owners came back.
It intrigued me and I've been a fan ever since. The first DVD I got of the show was a package that had 12 episodes of seasons 1 and 2 along with Getting Sam home. When the Warner packages came out I started getting those and I've bought the ones from Britain also through Amazon UK.
Amazingly, the shows I enjoy the most are the Blamire ones. While not a fan initially, they slowly became my favorites. Enjoyed the first Foggy era and Seymour too. Love Frank Thornton in AYBS but never warmed to him in LOWS. Maybe in time I will as was the case with Michael Bates. Would really love for the show to come to Netflix. so I don't have to risk scratching DVDs but I've burned backup copies just in case. PBS airs it here on Saturday night but they tend to skip around sometimes.
Well, there's my story, happy to be here and look forwarding to reading more great thoughts on this wonderful series.
I'm Don and I'm from Beautiful So Cal (Silver Lake, Los Angeles to be more specific).
I first came across LOSW while flipping through channels to test the colors on my new TV in 2002. It was the episode Bicycle Bonanza. The trio were sitting on a hill after Foggy had just been snooping around a vehicle when the owners came back.
It intrigued me and I've been a fan ever since. The first DVD I got of the show was a package that had 12 episodes of seasons 1 and 2 along with Getting Sam home. When the Warner packages came out I started getting those and I've bought the ones from Britain also through Amazon UK.
Amazingly, the shows I enjoy the most are the Blamire ones. While not a fan initially, they slowly became my favorites. Enjoyed the first Foggy era and Seymour too. Love Frank Thornton in AYBS but never warmed to him in LOWS. Maybe in time I will as was the case with Michael Bates. Would really love for the show to come to Netflix. so I don't have to risk scratching DVDs but I've burned backup copies just in case. PBS airs it here on Saturday night but they tend to skip around sometimes.
Well, there's my story, happy to be here and look forwarding to reading more great thoughts on this wonderful series.

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