Important Update Info

Assume No Answer is a Yes , unless there are several Jim Trott's on the site in which case Yes, Yes,Yes,Yes , Yes could be No and if there are several of Jim Trott's wife on the site then No, No, No,No,No could be Yes ;)
Assume No Answer is a Yes , unless there are several Jim Trott's on the site in which case Yes, Yes,Yes,Yes , Yes could be No and if there are several of Jim Trott's wife on the site then No, No, No,No,No could be Yes ;)

Or has my kids say, no means yes if you asked in whisper and you answered your own question.
A lot of Kids expect a " Yes" from parents to any of their requests but sometimes it just has to be "No" unless of course the Trott's had Children in which case who knows