...And don't forget the mandatory doll in a long dress that used to sit over the spare toilet rolls covering them with her dress so they too could be kept out of vulgar sight!….. remember the knitted toilet roll covers? God forbid that any visitors to your house had to cast their gaze onto your toilet roll!![]()
...And don't forget the mandatory doll in a long dress that used to sit over the spare toilet rolls covering them with her dress so they too could be kept out of vulgar sight!
A bunch of flowers maybe?That is too nice a post box cover to leave outside in the elements. Hopefully it was just for the photo.
I can make out most everything, but what is the gift that Compo is trying to give to Nora? Ah, looks like Nora has curlers covered with a scarf / hat. Particularly do like the Holmfirth / Yorkshire rose.
It seems a lifetime ago that we waited outside the newsagents after the match for the van to turn up with the Pink. Can you imagine today that it was then one of the very few ways to get info on the other matches etc. Although back in the late ‘70’s and ‘80’s when i went home/ away with Man United the local coverage on Piccadilly Radio was excellent and the coverage of the local matches lasted all afternoon/ early evening.Similar issues on nights out when I was a young'un . Used to go clubbing , down to the Wimpy Bar , all night bus home but often clutching a copy of the Pink or Football pink to give it its full title[ seller used to stand outside Wimpy Bar guaranteed sales even at that time] , get home some time after 3, decide to read the pink, fall asleep with it on my face . The ink quality being so poor it comes of . You get up in the morning look in the Bathroom mirror to fine "puS" or "duT " inscribed on your napper . The full headline being Supermac scores winner or Tudor misses sitter. Happy days.
You’ve disappointed me now. When I saw it I had visions of it being there since 1980!!There is a Wimpy bar which opened in Shrewsbury about 5 years ago and it’s still there. Perhaps they’re making a small comeback, hopefully Little Chef may follow suit![]()