In the water

I am trying to remember if any of 'the ladies' ever got wet. I can't think of any instances.

Nora got soaked by Compo when he drove into the river in "Enter the Phantom", apart from that I can't think of any other times the ladies got wet
In "The Charity Balls" Foggy walked into the river after doing military moves and Compo said quick march, also later in that episode when the ball was in the water and Foggy said who kicked it in should retrieve it and Compo says "I'm not going into the water, I'M NOT GOING INTO THE WATER!" and he ends up on the branch and his face goes into the water, although Compo does get a bit of revenge on Foggy for making him go on the branch with where he throws the ball at. a very good episode with water involved.
Yesterday Alvin and Billy managed to fall in whilst trying to jump a river and today Alvin got soaked trying to retrieve a bottle with a message in it.
At the end of Pole Star Compo ends up in the river also getting Howard & Marina extra wet and in the same episode some of the ladies got a little wet through Nora's kitchen windows as Smiler was trying to deal with the faulty tap
Billy and Barry get wet in the episode where Barry and a work colleague are fighting each other with sticks on a rickety plank across a stream.
There was one episode where Wesley had repaired the kitchen tap and assured Edy that it was completely fixed and working well. So Edy tries it and gets a face full of water.
Lots of instances of the ladies getting wet then, especially Marina. She is living up to her name.
In Earnshaw Strikes Again, Foggy gets sprayed by a broken water pipe. Kudos to Brian Wilde for taking a face full of water.
In wheelies compo ends up in the lake on that huge tire thing.I think its Aladdin gets on your wick where they fall through the filing cabinet into the lake.
Set the people free has all three of them plus Wally in a dinghy which starts to sink.
The heavily reinforced bottom has Compo fall through the canoe

At the very end of Cashflow Problems, Compo is in a wetsuit diving for coins in the fountain and ends up soaking Nora in the face with his snorkel, and also splashes her more with his fins.