Indistinct phrase in Spring Fever


Dedicated Member
At about 27 minutes, 36 seconds, Clegg asks Compo, 'Were they all dead?' Compo replies '[phrase drowned out by laughter], I shouldn't wonder'. There's no dialog in the script for that part of the scene. Does anyone have any idea what that phrase was?

At about 27 minutes, 36 seconds, Clegg asks Compo, 'Were they all dead?' Compo replies '[phrase drowned out by laughter], I shouldn't wonder'. There's no dialog in the script for that part of the scene. Does anyone have any idea what that phrase was?

I've listened several times but I can't make out what he says either.
Unusual for professional like Bill Owen to get caught out in such an elementary mistake like coming in early and being drowned out by audience laughter. Makes me wonder if he didn't just repeat the line, 'I shouldn't wonder.'
I have found a script of Spring Fever but it misses out the line we are looking for. It says "were they all dead" followed by "she were a brandy drinker" Sorry its not very helpful but I will keep looking.:confused:
Unusual for professional like Bill Owen to get caught out in such an elementary mistake like coming in early and being drowned out by audience laughter. Makes me wonder if he didn't just repeat the line, 'I shouldn't wonder.'

Perhaps the actors and the director thought that the line, 'Were they all dead' was a throw-away. Since the audience laughter was added at the hybrid screening/live studio recording of the interior scenes and audience response is inherently unpredictable, there was a limit to how precisely that response could be predicted.

I think, I could be wrong, but I think its " No before, I shouldn't wonder"

Thank you, thank you!

That sounds very plausible. It fits both the context and the bits of syllables that I thought I might be hearing.

Pearl, you must have the hearing acuity of a healthy infant! I'm envious.

You wouldn't say that if you saw the volume on my earphones :)

I could definitely hear the word "For" at the end and the rest is guesswork but does fit and sounds like something Compo would say.
I think, I could be wrong, but I think its " No before, I shouldn't wonder"

I got the "I shouldn't wonder" out of it. Sounds good to me. There are a few of the Blamires that have Compo mumbling. I am glad they got rid of that thick sounding accent he had, but have to admit that is what I like about the early ones.

Brenda loves her Compo!!!!
There are a few of the Blamires that have Compo mumbling.

Without a text to follow I had never understood more than a few words of Blamire's lines, and didn't catch much of Compo's extreme attempt at the West Yorkshire accent, either. Michael Bates nearly always seemed to mumble; sometimes worsened by talking around a cigarette. Joe Marsden, a West Yorkshireman born and bred and co-owner of the hotel in Huddersfield where many of the cast used to lodge, said that they badly mangled the accent.

Now that I'm using the book of scripts from those two years, as well as downloaded subtitle files, I'm getting nearly all of the dialog and the episodes are suddenly funny, not just visually interesting period pieces with lovely scenery and some of Holmfirth's recent history in the background.

For instance, the changing use of the building that was a launderette during filming of the early episodes. By the time the Google Earth photos were taken, it had become the Kirklees Hospice charity shop, and the white wood trim on the front had been repainted bright blue. And there's the G.W. Castle garage on Hollowgate in the background at the start of Short Back and Palais Glide, when the trio have stopped at the bottom of New Fold to argue about going down Market Street. That building is now the Holmfirth Mill shop (part of the Edinburgh Woollen Mill group).

The problem with the downloaded subtitle files is that they are apparently transcripts made by someone listening to the shows, and sometimes mis-hearing a word or two that makes nonsense of that bit of dialog. So I rely much more heavily on the book of scripts.

Well done person, Pearl , we shall have to promote you to executive in charge of hearing faint words!
'She probably killed them all, I shouldn't wonder' would possibly fit the dialogue well.

That could work. I can't tell for sure, but the phrase before 'I shouldn't wonder' sounds as though it might contain six syllables (so does your suggestion, if "probably" is pronounced "prob'ly", and it certainly fits the context.

There seems to be an `s` sound in there somewhere.

I make it to be, `_____ as well I shouldn`t wonder`.

Probably wrong though.
There seems to be an `s` sound in there somewhere.

I make it to be, `_____ as well I shouldn`t wonder`.

Probably wrong though.

Now I'm hearing four syllables, rather than six, so maybe 'Killed them herself, I shouldn't wonder'. That makes just as much sense and has an 's' sound in the first phrase.
