London Olympics

amos hames

Dedicated Member
I would like your veiws on this subject if you have any or no interest or if you have tickets for any events,I know some people think that is a waste of money but i think that it is nice to have somthing to look forward to instead of all the doom and gloom that goes around.
Don't care, waste of money, boring and to much hype about our athletes. Plus its a London thing let them down there get on with it. I know that some of the football is going to take place at St James' but not bothered really, it shouldn't be an Olympic sport. May watch the boxing as thats the only interesting sport taking place.
I would like your veiws on this subject if you have any or no interest or if you have tickets for any events,I know some people think that is a waste of money but i think that it is nice to have somthing to look forward to instead of all the doom and gloom that goes around.

Sorry Amos but for me it has no significance whatsoever. Other than London getting part of it's transport system upgraded and Lord Cole Saddling us with a 'Sporting Legacy' (or his term for huge debt) I don't see the point.
Many people North of Watford will feel the same, I work in retail and the vast majority of customers I have spoken to all feel one of two ways, either it's a waste of money or they could not care less about it.

To me it is a farce anyway, especially the football. The Olympics is meant to be a sport for amateurs so therefore our 'GB' football team should be made up of non-league players, and I mean the amateur level not semi-pro.

Then there are those people who are getting rocket launchers on the rooftops, I know it is a sad sign of the times we live in but at what burden to the tax payers in the future, as I understand it the games is already over budget. I am just thankful we did not get the football world cup as well and I love the game.
Whoops glad i did'nt mention the Jubilee LoL :) :) :)

Don't start on that lot. You know we call all these countries like Iraq, Iran, Lybia, North Korea and many others who stand on the streets shouting praise on the dictators, holding pictures etc. But we done the same on the royal wedding day, loads of flag wavers shouting and cheering for an un-elected soon to be head of state!! I know about the charity work which is great, but why do they need the tax payers money to live on?
Well i didn't. I know those guys killed people but the point i'm trying to raise is 'those in glass houses' etc. The rich get richer and the poor get................... Look at all that gold and land they own, we could really use that now to build houses on and thus create jobs but oh no thats for hunting poor defenseless deer, pheasant and other animals. If the royals are for the people they should say 'take the land, build houses, factories, schools and hospitals and use our gold to fund this.
Whats the chances on that though?

In summary the royals can take a good bite of yorkshire, and you know the rest!
I cant add anything to what James has said on the subjects here, save to say that oily Tory pr*ck Cameron will see it as a good idea and a grand stage for him to play at being a Statesman, which is an extra reason to hate it.
;D Seem to be a lot of Socialists around! Thought Terry asked us to keep politics off the forum???
As far as the Games themselves go, I expect I will watch the Blue Riband events, such as the 100, 200, 400, 800m and relays etc, some Rowing and all of the Boxing, some Football etc I haven't applied for any tickets and dont have any real passion for it.
I suppose it could be considered an honour and a big event for the Country, but it doesn't really impact on me in a lasting way.
Sorry, I need to add my 2pence worth to
Complet waste of money!! All that good money being wasted on sport, have you seen the state of the schools and hospitals?

My friend has had her hip replacement postponed twice and she a young mother of 3 children who cant even take them to school because of it. The money should spent on the NHS and giving our kids a descent school.
My nephews autistic and my brother and his wife rely on a day centre which he goes to to give them a rest and him somewhere where he can socialise with other autistic children and its being closed down!!

How many day centres for the disabled and the elderly could remain open with the money we re spending the Olympics?

In times like these we need spend money were its needed.
Not to mention the safety aspect, we re going to have every lunatic heading our way hoping to made a name for themselves.

Plus we re going to have wall to wall coverage of it on TV !! I shall be buying a spare DVD player and just watching Summer Wine till its all over!
Sorry, I need to add my 2pence worth to
Complet waste of money!! All that good money being wasted on sport, have you seen the state of the schools and hospitals?

My friend has had her hip replacement postponed twice and she a young mother of 3 children who cant even take them to school because of it. The money should spent on the NHS and giving our kids a descent school.
My nephews autistic and my brother and his wife rely on a day centre which he goes to to give them a rest and him somewhere where he can socialise with other autistic children and its being closed down!!

How many day centres for the disabled and the elderly could remain open with the money we re spending the Olympics?

In times like these we need spend money were its needed.
Not to mention the safety aspect, we re going to have every lunatic heading our way hoping to made a name for themselves.

Plus we re going to have wall to wall coverage of it on TV !! I shall be buying a spare DVD player and just watching Summer Wine till its all over!

I think you have summed it up perfectly.

But referring to Dick's quote regarding Socialists he just might realise he has shot himself in the foot there, seeing as it was the Labour government that actually backed this whole idea.

I am only too lucky to be working while all this is going on.
Sorry, I need to add my 2pence worth to
Complet waste of money!! All that good money being wasted on sport, have you seen the state of the schools and hospitals?

My friend has had her hip replacement postponed twice and she a young mother of 3 children who cant even take them to school because of it. The money should spent on the NHS and giving our kids a descent school.
My nephews autistic and my brother and his wife rely on a day centre which he goes to to give them a rest and him somewhere where he can socialise with other autistic children and its being closed down!!

How many day centres for the disabled and the elderly could remain open with the money we re spending the Olympics?

In times like these we need spend money were its needed.
Not to mention the safety aspect, we re going to have every lunatic heading our way hoping to made a name for themselves.

Plus we re going to have wall to wall coverage of it on TV !! I shall be buying a spare DVD player and just watching Summer Wine till its all over!

I think you have summed it up perfectly.

But referring to Dick's quote regarding Socialists he just might realise he has shot himself in the foot there, seeing as it was the Labour government that actually backed this whole idea.

I am only too lucky to be working while all this is going on.
For Socialists I should have put Anti-royalists but didn't want to get emroiled in the subject.I am of an era that grew up being told that how it was and always would be!(not my idea ) As for the "Labour Govt" they were no more Labour than I can fly if I wave my arms ! I was trying to stand by Terry's request that we steer clear of politics!
It would have been nice to a had a vote on weather we wanted the Olympics in this country ( I know it goes to a city not the country, but we ll all suffer for it)

With heightened terrorism at the moment is it a good idea?
After 9/11 I know of many people that said they wouldn't be going into town or anywhere there was a large crowd, which I thought was wrong because you can't let these people win but at the same time you shouldn't invite them to tea!!

Also the disruption to country has a hole will be immense, my son-in- law is a police officer, all police officers in the country are banned from have a holiday between June and September so my daughter wanted to plan an early holiday just to be told be the school that if she took my grandaughter out of school for a week she would get fined !!

And while most the police officers are in Londer for a month who's going be left to walk our streets?
Sorry I have had 2 rants on this now, I have been hold it in for a couple of years. ;D

I will now be quiet again. 8)
Be glad when it is all over (olympics), but Dick is right keep politics off this sight or it will kill it.
Politics aside,I think the country could of spent the money on much better things,it seems the promise of bringing a large income into the UK for having these games now seems unlikely,and personally the whole thing is no interest to me
I would be in the complete waste of money camp,the money could have been spent on much better things.I have little interest in any sport so i may be seen as a tad biased. ;D
