Sorry, I need to add my 2pence worth to
Complet waste of money!! All that good money being wasted on sport, have you seen the state of the schools and hospitals?
My friend has had her hip replacement postponed twice and she a young mother of 3 children who cant even take them to school because of it. The money should spent on the NHS and giving our kids a descent school.
My nephews autistic and my brother and his wife rely on a day centre which he goes to to give them a rest and him somewhere where he can socialise with other autistic children and its being closed down!!
How many day centres for the disabled and the elderly could remain open with the money we re spending the Olympics?
In times like these we need spend money were its needed.
Not to mention the safety aspect, we re going to have every lunatic heading our way hoping to made a name for themselves.
Plus we re going to have wall to wall coverage of it on TV !! I shall be buying a spare DVD player and just watching Summer Wine till its all over!
I think you have summed it up perfectly.
But referring to Dick's quote regarding Socialists he just might realise he has shot himself in the foot there, seeing as it was the Labour government that actually backed this whole idea.
I am only too lucky to be working while all this is going on.