And how long did it take Mrs Maltrab to teach you?
42 Years
And how long did it take Mrs Maltrab to teach you?
.... but I think there's still a natural resistance to men dusting the telly and such so I'm wondering what is seen as his work and her work.
Am not sure of the date -line Adenor but cholesterol was spoken of as a killer donkey's years ago. You were in danger from cholesterol if you had more than two eggs per week and could quite easily die from eating too much fat when I was a mere stripling 60 years ago.![]()
Do TVs get dusty? I have not noticed any on mine!
Mind you in parts of the house I reckon there should be no flies this year if the number of cobwebs are to be believed .....
Two eggs a week ? - HEAVENS ! - I eat around 2 per day without fail and have done since time immemorial. I did a quick mental calculation and it comes out at around 30,000 eggs in my lifetime. I'm nearly hitting 70 so I can't be doing too much wrong. I recall we were told "Eggs are BAD"...... then we were told "Eggs are healthy" - Then they were bad again...... then good for you...... on and on it goes.