Missing you


Super Moderator
I've noticed that our friends Barmpot and Rhi among others have not posted for a while.I hope everything is okay
I messaged someone the other day because Sue hasn't posted for a while either :(
At the moment it seems to be a very bad time for missing people :'(. But I have to stick to the forum members. Rhi might have trouble with her computer, I know she had some recently. But I don´t know about the rest.
Good evening one and all.

Is it really two months since I last posted?

I am afraid that there has been a bit of a crisis here at Barmpot Towers. This has precluded some what where regular activities for a while as things are sorted out.

A word of explanation: this is not to illicit sympathy but to put you in the picture. My wife, was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease late last year -she is only in her 50s (somewhat younger than myself) and about three months ago started deteriorating quite a bit which means I have had to spend more time caring. She can now hardly read or write and finds it difficult to recall how to get dressed.

Thus sitting at a keyboard has been precluded for a while. However I am back and while I may not quite achieve the higher rankings in postings I am hoping to contribute as I can.

In fact, I have checked what was being said occasionally but have used some of my free time to watch the odd decent comedy programme including SW rather than post.

One thing I have done is continued to collect some of the funnies which I shall be posting in the appropriate place!

So thank you for your concerns expressed in this thread - not a holiday however!
Yes, in our prayers as well. Lost my mother like that
as well. Now my wife and I are getting to that stage.
Never going to be easy. No good way to get thru it.

Really hope things get better for you.
Hi Rod,sorry to hear your news we have missed you on the forum but can fully understand why,Terry
My best wishes to you and your wife. I hope your both getting the help and support you both need.
Sorry to hear your news Barmpot.Having lost my wife of 47 years to cancer last year I can empathise with your pain and worry at this time. :(
Good Morning barmpot. Really sorry to hear this news. I have experienced this last year with an Uncle of mine. Had to help my Aunt as they were both old. It is stressing and tiring and makes you feel that you are lost with no time for yourself. There are good neighbors or friends who might want to babysit for a morning while you get out to be by yourself. It does help. We are thinking of you. You must be strong. We are here for you when you need to talk.