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Another belter Mr G with your latest video of lost sitcomes 1970-76. One minor point you said a Lancashire town of Warrington, it is in fact Cheshire as I was born there!!!!!!
At the time the video Leigh was talking about Warrington was indeed in Lancashire, after a boundary move in 1974 the town did not move but it was rebranded as being in Cheshire
I don't know how That's Your Funeral spawned a feature film after only seven episodes.
Check out the opening titles of the film of That's Your Funeral. The 'mourners' we see are actually the production team - so you see their face as their name appears.
Enjoyed the video immensely your research is clearly time consuming but well worth the effort, thank you so much for producing this series of videos . I remember That's your funeral including David Battley, such a distinctive voice, his manner reminds me very much of Stephen Lewis who basically played all his characters the same way throughout his whole career never really veering from Blakey .
Enjoyed the video immensely your research is clearly time consuming but well worth the effort, thank you so much for producing this series of videos . I remember That's your funeral including David Battley, such a distinctive voice, his manner reminds me very much of Stephen Lewis who basically played all his characters the same way throughout his whole career never really veering from Blakey .
The research is time consuming - especially considering the difficulty of finding some information and then agonising over what to use and what to cut out. David Battley was one of those actors that regularly cropped up on tv, in secondary roles - usually one-off appearances - that you recognised and yet people didn't really know who he was. He made over 160 appearances in 92 different productions, including voice artist in a video game!
Next video: Sunday 9 March 2025, 7:00pm (UK GMT) on my YouTube channel
The UK’s Forgotten Sitcoms (1977 to 1986)

View attachment 7903
You're becoming prolific with your new videos!!! long may that continue too.

I'm guessing the thumbnail is John Inman & Rula Lenska in Take a Memo Mr Jones, one of the few sitcoms I couldn't face watching beyond the third episode it was that poor........
You're becoming prolific with your new videos!!! long may that continue too.

I'm guessing the thumbnail is John Inman & Rula Lenska in Take a Memo Mr Jones, one of the few sitcoms I couldn't face watching beyond the third episode it was that poor........
Yes! So, not forgotten in your book, but "hated" (with a small "H"). I had difficulty getting past the song-and-dance title sequence.
Just about to watch your new videos, wow your last video has had a colossal number of views! long overdue recognition for your amazing skills and time. This time next year Rodney............ :D
Thanks @Barrychuckle - the first "Forgotten Sitcoms" video had only about 50 views on the Sunday it was published, my videos usually get about 200. However the total for 7 days is about 4,200 when usual for 7 days is 1,500 - 2,100 views!! I was worried on the Sunday but by Tuesday it was rocketing!