My Favorite Side of Foggy


Dedicated Member
I consider myself quite lucky as I am on my summer break and the noon showing of Summer Wine just started with Series 26 today and the 1:30 showing is right in the middle of Series 5. I get to view two distinctly different, good eras of Summer Wine, the early Foggy years and the Middle of the Trully tears.
I am not sure how much discussion this thread will generate because it is more of a reflection.

I got to watch Full Steam Behind for the first time in a while yesterday. Obviously it is such a powerful episode, but I particularly enjoyed Foggy earlier on in this one. Foggy had an enormous amount of enthusiasm and a somewhat childlike joy about seeing the historic train pass through. I have seen this enthusiasm on and off throughout his run. What makes it hilarious is that no one else shares his joy. It reminds me of “Come In, Sun-Ray Major” when he first puts on the radio and states, “Come In…..Sun-Ray Major.” It is a simple scene but he has this smile, like it’s the coolest thing in the world but anyone around him could really care less.

In both episodes, he shows a really proud smile. Another great Foggy episode was “Destiny and Six Bananas”. I don’t recall every detail, but didn’t Foggy show a really proud look and was really really into capturing the gorilla when he was standing along the door of Wesley’s truck? I guess, once again, he was going through one of those proud and excited moments. I always thought Destiny and Six Bananas would have been the best swansong for Foggy. Out of the many times she should cowardice, this time he was quite brave (and foolish at the same time).

Interesting enough, these three episodes are all from different eras.
There are many sides to Foggy; the snob, the delusional war hero, the one into schemes, etc. However, I think Foggy is the best in proud moments like these.

And in the spirit of train enthusiasm I am trying to post this video. If it works, check out 0:37 and 0:52.
Another way Foggy is at his best is when he starts up a conversation with a perfect stranger about his "theoretical" war experiences. The reactions of these perfect strangers is priceless.
Great clip, Codfanglers, thanks. Such exuberance! Love it. Yes, I get a kick out of Foggy too when he is showing such genuine pleasure. Sometimes I think he must be saying to himself, "This is what it is to be a man."
Agree on all points Codfangler. I especially liked his childlike excitement of the steam trains. Had the hat, so he must have been a fan of the steam trains. Like some of our forum members. Do they have a hat like Foggy as well?

Yes, no one else showed his enthusiasm did they. Sort of how no one had the lust for Nora like Compo did!:28:

It was nice to see another side of Foggy, him always bossing and putting down Compo.

My favorite part of Foggy is when he is faced to kick some butt, and he has that look of fear on his face, then when danger is gone he comments on how "they don't know how close they came to these killer hands"LOL:35:

Glad to see you posting more Cod!
Agree on all points Codfangler. I especially liked his childlike excitement of the steam trains. Had the hat, so he must have been a fan of the steam trains. Like some of our forum members. Do they have a hat like Foggy as well?


eer - yes I have two railway peaked caps - 1960s style grease-top with authentic totem badge and a 1990s one with silver braid used by conductors/guards and some platform staff. :biggrin::biggrin:

When I can get the imaging stuff sorted I shall take a photograph or two and possibly post them! ??? ??? :confused: :confused:
Please do Barmpot. I would like to see your pictures.

Cod I loved Foggy in Full Steam Behind. I completely agree. I could see him being a train conductor when he grew up. ;)
Please do Barmpot. I would like to see your pictures.

Cod I loved Foggy in Full Steam Behind. I completely agree. I could see him being a train conductor when he grew up. ;)

Yes, it is definitely a top episode. I also love the scene where the trio is in the run down engineer's stations and he excitedly tells Clegg and Compo what an honor is was to be in such a place.