Right place or wrong place?


Dedicated Member
How is this for being in the right or the wrong place. My wife had an out- patient appointment at our local hospital. While she was in there she had a fall and fractured her hip. She was taken to A & E and a half hip replacement next day. I don`t know what to think apart from the fact that it will change our lives for the next few weeks.:unhappy:
She'll be OK. I had a hip replacement a number of years ago and still doing OK. They got me up and walking about rather quickly. She'll be on a limited movement schedule for the next six weeks but other than that, she'll be fine. Hip replacements are a dine a dozen now. No sweat.
I'm sorry to hear that Jack Harry, I really hope Mrs Jack Harry gets better soon. Sending my best wishes to you both.
She'll be OK. I had a hip replacement a number of years ago and still doing OK. They got me up and walking about rather quickly. She'll be on a limited movement schedule for the next six weeks but other than that, she'll be fine. Hip replacements are a dine a dozen now. No sweat.

We have been through this before. She fell a couple of years ago and did the other hip. Why are women so clumsy.
I think it is just there way to get back at us gents.:46:
How is this for being in the right or the wrong place. My wife had an out- patient appointment at our local hospital. While she was in there she had a fall and fractured her hip. She was taken to A & E and a half hip replacement next day. I don`t know what to think apart from the fact that it will change our lives for the next few weeks.:unhappy:

Couldn't have happened in a better place! If it happened today, they'll probably have her up and in rehab tomorrow morning. If it was an uncomplicated replacement it won't be more than a couple of days before they'll have her practicing on stairs, probably with a quad cane, and practicing walking in the corridor with a frame. If she was in a reasonable state of fitness before the fracture, she'll recover her strength and balance quickly. If not, it'll take longer, but either way she's much more likely than not to have a complete recovery. Been there, done that, but due to arthritis rather than to a fracture.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

We have been through this before. She fell a couple of years ago and did the other hip. Why are women so clumsy.
I think it is just there way to get back at us gents.:46:

Wow! The only two times I've fallen that hard, I've broken my right wrist each time, but never anything else. Since I live by myself I wasn't getting back at anyone, I was simply unaware of an upcoming change in the surface that I was walking on.

I count myself really blessed. I'm 72 and I've fallen 6 times in the last 10 years and the worst I've has is a couple of bruises.

So thankful she was where she could immediately get the care she needed. I'll be praying for a swift recovery for you wife.
I count myself really blessed. I'm 72 and I've fallen 6 times in the last 10 years and the worst I've has is a couple of bruises.

So thankful she was where she could immediately get the care she needed. I'll be praying for a swift recovery for you wife.

You must have drunk your milk and have been an active youngster to have built up that much reserve!

You must have drunk your milk and have been an active youngster to have built up that much reserve!


I grew up in an age where we always drank milk (white not chocolate) and only slowed down 20 years ago when I switched to water most of the time.

However, I didn't consider myself active. I much preferred dolls when I was little and reading or sewing as I got older. We also were in a small town so didn't get TV until I was in my teens and even then didn't spend more than an hour or two a day watching that. But back then we walked or rode bike everywhere we went so guess I got a fair amount of exercise.
Right place or wrong place

I am sorry to hear that your wife has had such an unfortunate fall and I really hope Mrs Jack Harry makes a speedy recovery .
It's true, we need to fortify our bones. I've been taking calcium and vit D tablets for years because I'm not a big milk drinker, unless it has chocolate and cream in it.

Happy Jack, childbirth and ill health is our opportunity to have a holiday. ;D
I have not had many falls I managed to ride into the back of a van and fall during a bike race ,fell over a stone and broke my ankle and did my ankle in whilst at work walked into a pothole in yard whilst loading my van with fish in dark to mean to have lights ,result operation on ankle and knee after the plaster came off.The last one caused a great deal of ill feeling between myself and a grotty director who wanted to stop my sick pay the firm is now slowly but surely going down hill but as I retired from there six years ago I don't care anymoreOh my lovely wife Bobby managed to fall over and bounce a while ago but thanks to a few people who stopped and helped she is okay.
Right place or wrong place

A good friend of mine found himself most definitely in the wrong place after an all day drinking session and party just outside Newcastle City Centre on the Great North Road . He lives west of the City in Lemington and so set off staggering by the shortest route along the Central Motorway where he was apprehended by a passing Police car and told in no uncertain terms if he continued he would be locked up and to " look for another way home bonny lad".

Anyway he turned back and headed up the Great North Road and across the Town Moor eventually heading up the West Road to his destination Lemington . Two miles from home just to add to his woes the heavens opened and he got absolutely drenched ,probably a walk of some 6 or 7 miles. He got a couple of hundred yards from home still intoxicated and managed to fall down a hole that had been dug by the Gas Board to repair some pipes .

He managed to hit his head on said pipes but not severely enough to knock him out or break the skin . He spent the next 30 minutes trying to get out of the hole but with the rain deluge the hole was a effectively a personal mudslide and coupled with his intoxication when he got so far out he slipped back in .

As you can imagine his clothes were a write off he simply had to bin everything . Anyway he eventually got home and got to bed . He managed to get to work late the next day where he related the tale had us in absolute stitches , absolutely no sympathy was expressed , the hilarity was further enhanced by this huge red mark on his forehead , a sort of outsized Bindi, and we were convinced you could make out the letter B in the mark which we thought he had got from the British Gas pipe although he insisted it was just the furrow in his brow!
Speaking of bad breaks. My 88 year old grandmother just had partial hip replacement after breaking the ball off the femur. She was high risk,blood pressure and a bad heart valve. I just received news that it went well and will go to nursing home for rehab 3 to 6 weeks. Happy Jack how is your wife getting along? Hope she is doing well.
Many, many, many moons ago, a co-worker got a phone call at work. Her husband had taken the dog to the vet and had collapsed with a heart attack while he was there. They were able to get him to the hospital immediately and he recovered nicely.
Speaking of bad breaks. My 88 year old grandmother just had partial hip replacement after breaking the ball off the femur. She was high risk,blood pressure and a bad heart valve. I just received news that it went well and will go to nursing home for rehab 3 to 6 weeks. Happy Jack how is your wife getting along? Hope she is doing well.

She is getting along fine thank you. Came out of hospital last Saturday and getting around the house with the help of a walking frame. Hope to have her on crutches in a couple of weeks. The downside is she is running me ragged. Do this, do that. I think she is loving it.:46: