
Scones like Hot Cross Buns have had a makeover all sorts of flavours being added sadly not sure it works in all cases some of these independent cafes are experimenting and you get some really strange concoctions , I'd prefer to stick to traditional . I have been on a quest for the best cheese scone for years I have a leader which is hard to beat from an independent cafe on the A68 at Errington .

I have a voucher for Mason and Rye after paying an extortionate price for a cheese scone which was appalling , I suggested to them that the baker may need an eye test because he threw the cheese at the mixer and missed.

They key to cheese scones in English mustard powder and a pinch of cayenne pepper [and good cheese and lots of it] and very few I have tried have those ingredients present
A few years back Paul Weller's and Eric Clapton's band were touring and used to flip flop the order in which they played but all hell broke out in St Ives when Cream went on first before the Jam :fp:
On a flight back to the States from LHR, the final meal was scones with jam and cream. I applied the cream first. The son of the man sitting next to me said to his father, "Yuck, what's she doing?" The father's reply was, "She's just stupid," and proceeded to put the jam on first. I thought, "How rude" but didn't say anything because I didn't want to start a fight over the Atlantic Ocean. That father missed a teaching moment regarding courtesy.
On a flight back to the States from LHR, the final meal was scones with jam and cream. I applied the cream first. The son of the man sitting next to me said to his father, "Yuck, what's she doing?" The father's reply was, "She's just stupid," and proceeded to put the jam on first. I thought, "How rude" but didn't say anything because I didn't want to start a fight over the Atlantic Ocean. That father missed a teaching moment regarding courtesy.
The father obviously didn't have any courtesy.