
The most hysterical, rolling-in-the-aisles song ever, that trouser song in the talent contest where Edie was the MC and Foggy ended doing a little dance.

I loved Foggy's dance. That was "I'm Gonna Sit Write Down And Write Myself A Letter" in Ordeal By Trousers.
The Gnome sang "I want to be Happy, But I won't be happy, till I make you happy too" in Gnome and Away. But I guess Billy and the other joined in too.
Compo ............"You are my honey honeysuckle , I am the bee!" dancing with flippers on........ From Wellies To Wetsuit?
In Set The People Free Compo sings "Won't You Come Into My Parlor Said The Spider To The Fly" to distract Nora while they sneak Wally out.
Compo sang "Whenever I see me Nora, my heart beats like a drum" right before he falls down the steps in Who's Got Rhythm?
In Just A Small Funeral they practice in the church before the funeral singing "All Things Bright and Beautiful."

Then the Summer Wine Theme is sung as a tribute to Compo just before the funeral.
In Errol Flynn Used to Have a Pair Like That, Compo sings,
"Here's a man likes to dress in his riding gear; Not his underwear, but his riding gear.
Would you come for a ride on me motorbike? I shall surely drive you round the twist!"