I have been "travelling" during recent month or so. Here in West Oz we have been pretty lucky re Covid and overall it has been more of a minor inconvenience here than in most other places. (reasons why are varied and include controversial political matters so I won't go into them.)
We have had strict travel restrictions at times, especially interstate and overseas but in general if you live and work in WA it hasn't been anywhere near as bad as a lot of other places.
I have found that I can travel by YouTube! (I think this has been mentioned here by others) I have been finding sites that offer driver's eye view of car travel and train travel from all over the world.(and some aircraft) so in the last couple of months I have travelled from Long Island to Manhattan by train, JFK to Manhattan by train AND car. I have been along Santa Monica Boulevard and numerous other places in the US.
I have driven around the south of France, and Monaco. Been on many car and train trips around the UK. Been through Switzerland and Austria, even driven around various parts of the UK and actually travelled around Perth here in Oz by local train and car....all without leaving my lounge.
I have gone up the Matterhorn by cablecar and been on the steepest cogged rail track in the world, coming down a mountain in Switzerland!
The vast majority of these trips has been 1st person views from the cars or trains, mainly without much dialog so it is as close to doing the journeys themselves as you can get virtually.
The Car journeys are quite interesting as you get to see how bad most drivers, throughout the world actually are!!! The train journeys offer a unique experience as you see things from a different perspective....you get to see the BACK of properties and the industrial areas of towns which are often not accessible in normal travelling around the (any) country.
I have even been doing Mansion Tours. First hand walk throughs of multi multi multi million dollar houses. I have to say that a lot of them look very nice, but I don't think I have seen any I would want to actually live in. They all seem sterile "show" houses designed to show off your wealth to others without actually providing a real "home" One of the owners of a large mansion in the US actually admitted it, when he documents the actual running costs of one of those huge places. He says that owning a large mansion is basically like running a 5 star hotel, WITHOUT getting any income from all the guests.
Anyhow just off to go on a train journey from Boston (UK) to Skegness!