Struggling to use film locations

Good Evening,

On Sunday I will be visiting Holmfirth it’s been 20 years since my last visit, I was very interested to use the filming location map when I click on it it gives me a list of locations but no address or map. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance Red.
I think the display of the map is designed for displays above 10 Inches, though I could be wrong.
Just tried it on my 10 Inch tablet and it wouldn't open either, sorry.
Greets and Welcome to the forums, Reddington (Red)!

Are you using an Ad Blocker or something that may be preventing the interactive map from working properly? It should look like a normal Google maps with location markers on the main screen and a list on the left that is clickable with more info description and picture.

Ugh, I see cornishman may have listed the problem. Hopefully you have access to a larger screened device that shows the map correctly.
Hope you have a great trip to Holmfirth on the weekend. Please post a picture or two if you can. Always nice to see more photos of Holmfirth.

Just tried it on my 10" tablet, using chrome to get to the site,then clicking the map link, it all opens with no problems
Good Morning,
Many thanks for reply’s, Quick update I downloaded Google chrome but unfortunately I can not open the map and I tried an Android device with no luck.
I was looking for the locations of Cleggs house (I know you can’t go down there), Barry and Glenda house and also Edi and Wesley’s house if someone could message me where they are located I would be very grateful

Thanks Red.
Clegg's House is on Hill street off Scholes Road on which the White Horse pub is located in Jackson Bridge . You come out of the pub turn left and walk up [or drive] up Scholes road and the entrance to the road is on your left . Whilst it is a private road I know at least one of the members [Pete] has been along there and asked the occupants of Clegg's house if they would mind him taking a few photos which they were happy for him to do [if you look at Member's photos section there are lots of Pete's photos for all sorts of location coupled with screen prints of a scene at that location from the show, fascinating because there is no hint that anyone had been there ]

Edie and Wesley's House is on Dam Head the rear is on Spring Lane just off Dobb Lane in Holmbridge .

Barrie and Glenda's house is on Green Abbey off Dunford Road at Hade Edge

With the latter two locations , as well as Cleggy's , the member's photos section has photographs of the locations if you wish to have a look . I like to look through often because it reminds me of our great show . Hope this helps:)
Even with my 5 inch android mobile I get the map,though not the side panel, until I switch to the desktop site on the phone browser which is chrome