Pearl Administrator Staff member Jul 4, 2014 #5,245 Ooooo theres was merry gentleman.................................. That'll do!
brendalovescompo Dedicated Member Jul 4, 2014 #5,246 Psycho-logicality, Compo trying to say psychology.
me2 Dedicated Member Jul 4, 2014 #5,253 We thought you'd like another wander through the hills, old son.
me2 Dedicated Member Jul 4, 2014 #5,255 YOU must have been a beautiful baby. - Compo singing to Nora's picture on TV
barmpot LOTSW Fanatic Jul 4, 2014 #5,260 It's gone weird again - I saw last post "u" so went for a "v" only to find that some others have crept in ....
It's gone weird again - I saw last post "u" so went for a "v" only to find that some others have crept in ....