Summer Wine A-Z Game

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You did'nt row you idle little MONKEY you just sat there playing Captain Birdseye.
My Barry has A-LEVELS
My Barry's taken up BODY-BUILDING.
My Barry doesn't wear a CAP.
My Barry has got DUBBIN on his boots.
I won't have my Barry doing dangerous EXPERIMENTAL catering.
My Barry's taken up FLYING.
My Barry has exceptional eyesight, with GLASSES.
My Barry's quite persuasive with his theories on why a HUSBAND should be master of the HOUSE.
I can picture every INCH of my Barry.
I can't wait to see my Barry in a dinner JACKET.
Oh, Barry! Instinctively you KNEW.
My Barry doesn't LIE.
My Barry came home MERRY.
My Barry NEVER disappoints me.
My Barry's usually most OBLIGING around the house.
My Barry's mainly PINK.
My Barry's quite good with a NAPKIN.
My Barry's thinking of taking up RIDING.
My Barry can STAY STILL for hours.
To think my Barry gave his TROUSERS to rescue us.
My Barry keeps going UPSIDE down.
My Barry likes VANILLA slices.
One thing I AM sure of, my Barry's not with other WOMEN. He's allergic to other WOMEN.
My Barry goes to a uniseX hairdresser.
I don't believe my Barry's got a cuddlY toY! He doesn't need a cuddlY toY. He's got me!
My Barry's not doZy.