dick LOTSW Fanatic Nov 6, 2015 #8,821 Its just LINE dancing!! Doesn't mean we'LL have to get married!
G gill Guest Nov 6, 2015 #8,822 Tha`s got trouble if you`ve got them tha`s never going to find a MOUSE trap that big.
captain clutterbuck LOTSW Fanatic Nov 8, 2015 #8,832 Last Post and Pigeon - Compo lays a Wreath for lost friends and Comrades on Battlefields past - Deepest Respect
Last Post and Pigeon - Compo lays a Wreath for lost friends and Comrades on Battlefields past - Deepest Respect
dick LOTSW Fanatic Nov 8, 2015 #8,836 Entwistle about Howard in his camouflage gear ........."Oh look its ACTION man!
dick LOTSW Fanatic Nov 8, 2015 #8,838 I thought today would be horrible but along came the CAT CREATURE!
Pearl Administrator Staff member Nov 9, 2015 #8,839 He as an appointment with Destiny.............. And 6 bananas