captain clutterbuck LOTSW Fanatic Apr 8, 2016 #10,765 No books on silent killing, all you have in the books for the over 60's is Dancing for beginners , you can hardly Veleta someone to Death
No books on silent killing, all you have in the books for the over 60's is Dancing for beginners , you can hardly Veleta someone to Death
dick LOTSW Fanatic Apr 8, 2016 #10,768 " GINGANGOOLY GOOLY watcher GIN GAN GOO" .................... No end to the excitement is there Barry??:cautious:
" GINGANGOOLY GOOLY watcher GIN GAN GOO" .................... No end to the excitement is there Barry??:cautious:
captain clutterbuck LOTSW Fanatic Apr 8, 2016 #10,778 Admirers of Nora Batty Queue outside her house to declare their undying love ............ does one person , and you know who, constitute a Queue ??
Admirers of Nora Batty Queue outside her house to declare their undying love ............ does one person , and you know who, constitute a Queue ??
captain clutterbuck LOTSW Fanatic Apr 8, 2016 #10,779 Howard and Marina's attempt to have a Run out in Wesley's latest car ends in disaster.