captain clutterbuck LOTSW Fanatic May 9, 2016 #11,461 If Compo had offered her Milk Tray instead of his matchbox, Ivy wouldn't have given him a tin tray to the head!
If Compo had offered her Milk Tray instead of his matchbox, Ivy wouldn't have given him a tin tray to the head!
captain clutterbuck LOTSW Fanatic May 9, 2016 #11,471 Mirror Mirror behind the car Could be a Sniper come from afar Get down Entwistle you could get hit Oh it's Alvin the stupid twit
Mirror Mirror behind the car Could be a Sniper come from afar Get down Entwistle you could get hit Oh it's Alvin the stupid twit
captain clutterbuck LOTSW Fanatic May 9, 2016 #11,475 Like Smiler with Hermoine one of the most popular letters has been GillTed, dropped like a stone