onyx(John) Administrator Staff member Jul 14, 2013 #1,887 Don't you turn your back on me Wally Batty ;D ;D
Beth Dedicated Member Jul 14, 2013 #1,889 Yes your right. I have to say how much I appreciate your sense of humor and Dick's to. You both made my day!
Yes your right. I have to say how much I appreciate your sense of humor and Dick's to. You both made my day!
Elmc Dedicated Member Jul 14, 2013 #1,890 Fragrance~~ a bird building a wall next door to Compo's auntie.
barmpot LOTSW Fanatic Jul 14, 2013 #1,891 Gavin as in Gavin Hinchcliffe who loses the gulf stream in February 2003