dick LOTSW Fanatic Dec 10, 2015 #9,029 You LUBRICATE what you want and I'll LUBRICATE where I want! :wink:
dick LOTSW Fanatic Dec 11, 2015 #9,036 My Barry doesn't need a Secretary , they've been computerised! ;D
captain clutterbuck LOTSW Fanatic Dec 12, 2015 #9,038 Mon dieu! Is that Howard in a French Foreign Legion Uniform . Son of the Desert ? More like a bun or dessert, a right muffin.
Mon dieu! Is that Howard in a French Foreign Legion Uniform . Son of the Desert ? More like a bun or dessert, a right muffin.
Pearl Administrator Staff member Dec 12, 2015 #9,040 Will you stop twisting and turning! You're worse than you are in bed!!