Summerwine,and sport.


Dedicated Member
Greetings from liverpool,to one and all !!.....i hope everyone is well !!!.
Now,we all know that "yorkshire folk" love their sport,so it got me thinking.......
Which of our heroes is particularly drawn to which specific sport ?????
1. we know our favourite hanglider [alvin] is a huddersfield town fan,because in his 1st appearance,when he collided with that yorkshire hard stuff,he had a huddersfield town scarf on.
We also know that compo supports huddersfield town,because he had a sweatshirt on with huddesfield town f c on the front when he was having a kickaround against the wall outside nora's.
We know howard likes a dribble with the ball[as long as marina is in the "refreshment caravan".
The same can be said for cleggy,and jack harry teasdale. racing....our scruffy little mate's favourite pastime,apart from annoying nora !!!
3. Archery...robin hood's relative[on his mothers side-she were a bristoe] is arrow mad,he even pressganged tom,smiler,and barry into having a go !!!'s obsession,and a sport that hermon teasdale and "the captain" also enjoy [even tom and smiler have been "caddy",and "coach " for barry.
5.bicyle polo...foggys idea of a new sport,that cleggy,compo,and himself proved useless at !!!
6.waterskiing...remember compo on "the skies that wally built ????? [and blaymire et all in their canoes] !7.white water canoeing......remember"crusher" with his big yellow canoe,going to look for "some white water"???
8.long distance running....remember entwhistle,and alvin doing"the crowcroft challenge" ?????
9.cycling......howard and marina have covered some miles in their pursuit of the outdoor life !!
You see,we all thought they just sat round all day,messing about !!!!!
I would love to know how many more activities they got up to ?????
It's over to you.........
Best wishes to each and everyone on our wonderful website !!!!
You've about covered them all mate! Cleggy mentioned Yorkshire centipedes (I think) getting argumentative at cricket matches though. ::)
Didn't Foggy attempt to go for a swim in "Cheering Up Gordon" in the frigid waters off Scarborough?
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Was it Blamire who persuaded the other two to come swimming at the public pool, only to find that it was drained and apparently hadn't been used in years? Could that have been the old Lido off New Fold in Holmfirth?

And not forgetting canoeing in Ballad For Wind Instruments and Canoe.
Summerwine, and sport

some of the answers are sort of "sports" Pearl and Howard - Hide and Seek , Cleggy and Howard - Weightlifting [cannot recall episode where Howard buys set of weights and gets them delivered to Cleggy's] , Truly football [from all of a Florrie] , Smiler and Tom - Dressage [from the Second husband and the Show Girls] , Barrie/Howard/Entwistle -Karate [ from Enter the Finger] , Alvin - Pole Vault , Any of the Ladies - talk the hind legs off the donkey [ variation of pin the tail on]
If you're mentioning golf you can't leave out Foggys attempt at a round, classic stuff.;]

What I've always found odd is that during that episode Clegg and Sid view golf as a total waste of time, but its only a few episodes later that Ivy gets back at Sid by drilling holes in his golf club! And Clegg is the one carting around the set of clubs in "All Mod Conned," not Foggy.

Football shows up many times over the series. My favorite is the episode where Foggy is playing goal and Compo winds up for a kick, only to see his boot fly off and hit Foggy in a sensitive area!
Howard and Marina

- In addition to sporadic bicycling, there was that bicycle race that he advertised all over creation and was surprised when everyone showed up.

- They dressed in frogman outfits and went swimming.

- They dressed in fishermen outfits and supposedly went fishing.
Rowing/sailing seemed to feature quite a bit. There was the inflatable in Set The People Free, The three man "sailboard " in Aladdin Gets on Your Wick also Compo's sailboard/ironing board in Who's That Man With Norah Batty?? . Not forgetting " the sentry box" in All Mod Conned. :me:
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Summerwine, and sport

Perhaps the most dangerous of dangerous sports, multiple participants throughout most series - going into Auntie's and trying to get out without buying anything, grown men have been known to weep uncontrollably at the very thought of entering .
Rowing/sailing seemed to feature quite a bit. There was the inflatable in Set The People Free, The three man "sailboard " in Aladdin Gets on Your Wick also Compo's sailboard/ironing board in Who's That Man With Norah Batty?? . Not forgetting " the sentry box" in All Mod Conned. :me:

Also Truly and Clegg telling Tom about the time that his father went water skiing on the lake. One of the few times an event being discussed actually happened.
In all Mod Conned, did they ever attempt the "deep sea fishing" in that rugged boat?

I remember Foggy mentioning they were going to use it for deep sea fishing (hilarious) but I am trying to recall if they ever made it in the water or if I am mixing the boating with another episode.
The most obvious is long distance hiking! the Trio always hitting the roads and trails. Not sure if it was mentioned. Seymour simulating snow skiing by putting pans on their feet.

Also, the trio with Foggy "grass sledding" on the tall grass talking about Christmas time in the middle of summer, so sledding.
In all Mod Conned, did they ever attempt the "deep sea fishing" in that rugged boat?

I remember Foggy mentioning they were going to use it for deep sea fishing (hilarious) but I am trying to recall if they ever made it in the water or if I am mixing the boating with another episode.

No, they never made it. When they pulled the cover off the boat, quite a lot of the boat came away with it.
Many thanks for all your replies !!

This is just a quick post to say a massive "thankyou",to all of my fellow members,who took the time and effort to reply to my original post.
I try to make my posts a little different,and being new on the scene,i don't always know if my type of post will be popular ???
Once again,a million thanks to you all.
Best wishes,to everybody on our wonderful website !!!
Compo had a go at hang gliding mostly at Foggy,s insistence with technical help from Wally with a g.iant pigeon creation also the lads went canoing in the early years and managed to get soaked.The sponsored dribble was another disaster but one of pleasure for Howard the lads were not built for sport but when forced to they tried not to hard