Well hello Marianna and Pete.
Hi Pearl,thats better isn't it,
From grumbling about it to a new function on the site and a new name in 24 hours,that is impressive,
I just encountered my first problem with it though,I'v been trying to log on with my new name and couldn't get on,I thought I had forgotten my password because I never used to type it in,it always went in automatically,I tried everything and ended up sending a message about unable to log on,and after ages I noticed a tiny full stop on my new username,and that's all it was,I had not put the full stop in,after the Pete,its Pete.(with full stop)
So now I have a lovely new name,a new shiny Avatar with PC Cooper,and a brand new signature from one of my favourite episodes,all started with a little off the cuff grumble to gill.
Thanks everyone,love your new username too Marianna