There is an old proverb that says just about anything you want it to.
Old proverb says
Barmpots are barmpots for a reason!
Not all barmpots are barmpots sometimes they're just cigars!!

There is an old proverb that says just about anything you want it to.
Old one my mother used to throw at us ..................If ,IFS and ANDS, were pots and pans we'd have no need of tinkers! :me:
Those who can't write, write help files.
Careful old son, I spent over 30 years as a technical
writer in the computer industry and have certainly
written my fair share of help files. To do them right
is difficult. To do them badly comes easily.
My own experience is that they never quite deal with what I see or do not see on screen ...
My usual difficulty is that in order to retrieve an answer from a help file, I need to know what the problem is called there. If I knew that much, I'd probably know enough about it so that it wouldn't be a problem.