Tom Owen interview

Read that last week. I haven't seen him other than in LOTSW. Some articles I've read were not too pleased with him,because I believe they were expecting another Compo. Maybe Clarke was trying to use Tom to keep it alive. I watched Exercising Fathers Bicycle last night, I like how they bring Compo in from time to time. :dance:
Read that last week. I haven't seen him other than in LOTSW. Some articles I've read were not too pleased with him,because I believe they were expecting another Compo. Maybe Clarke was trying to use Tom to keep it alive. I watched Exercising Fathers Bicycle last night, I like how they bring Compo in from time to time. :dance:
I agree Brenda. I love that episode, with Truly and Clegg winding Tom up just as they had done with his dad in the past. Thankfully through Tom, Compo never fully left us.
Totally agree with you. I don't write much or hardly any in this forum but I read everything.
I don't think there was much to stretch frankly ,never thought he was a good addition to the cast. :yawn:
I'm not surprised by his comments; Tom was a secondary character after the first two seasons he was on the show and mainly seen as an assistant to Auntie Wainright. Not really a lot there for an actor to do.
Sorry to disagree, but I really liked the scenes with Tom and
Waldo. Great fun and good humour. Was really sorry to see
Waldo go. After that, Tom got written into a corner from which
there was no escape, and that was not Tom's fault.
I liked Waldo too! Compo had his ferrets and Tom had his imaginary dog puppet. They should have kept Tom single and running away from the his bill collectors.

I remember one episode he was looking over the scenery and was talking to Waldo stating that he felt at home there and that they were going to stay. I thought it was a sweet moment.
Don't no why Tom stayed as long as he did would have been better if he moved on with Mrs Aviary then another more solid character could have stayed ie Lenny he would have made a good Billy follow on.