What a Day


Staff member
In the week I ordered 2 new 3TB hard disks from Amazon, they arrived today and with nothing else planned,I thought I would crack on and install them to replace several older 2 TB drives in the main computer.
On unpacking them I noticed one drive was a lot lighter and on inspection one of the drives is only 1TB,so I get on the phone to Amazon who were very sorry and they would send another out which should arrive in 3-4 working days,I said this was unacceptable and pointed out if I had still been a Prime customer they claim if I order today it will be here tomorrow (Sunday) and as it was their error they should make the effort to get one to me tomorrow,which eventually they agreed to do.
So off I trot to fit the only 3tb drive in the pc,next problem the PC BIOS will not see the drive,so a BIOS update is required,tried to do it the way Gigabyte suggested with no joy but with Tony's help over the telephone I managed to get the job done and now my PC can see all 3TB,all this has taken from 10.30 am when I unpacked the disks until now almost 7pm.
So in space it seems they can hear you scream >:( :mad:
I think I understood all of that.... Well most of it, when I say most of it I of cause mean none of it but it sounds like the wife a peaceful day so go you :respect: :D :D

Please remember that the other day I gave factual, helpful techy advice to that bloke and neither his phone or computer launched into space and evaporated :35::35:
UEFI or BIOS........ that is the question :P
I'm glad I live in Kernow :16: though I hear that people on the other side of Lincoln were complaining bitterly about the noise level and language from a little village to their west!
UEFI or BIOS........ that is the question :P
I'm glad I live in Kernow :16: though I hear that people on the other side of Lincoln were complaining bitterly about the noise level and language from a little village to their west!

Yes the noise abatement service did call round,once I pointed out the problems they agreed all the noise was necessary
Amazon via DPD did try and deliver the new drive today,he got as far as the office,dropped a card into their letter box and saved himself the 200 yards walk to my home,pretty sure he would of had contact details for me,if he had called me I would of gone and collected the parcel
Amazon via DPD did try and deliver the new drive today,he got as far as the office,dropped a card into their letter box and saved himself the 200 yards walk to my home,pretty sure he would of had contact details for me,if he had called me I would of gone and collected the parcel

Cheeky bats, hope you complained.
Terry , Sorry to hear of your technical difficulties. Time is important especially our own. I know Two people who had delivery errors on Amazon's part. Ordering something over night for vacation , they were leaving the next day. They ended up sending the package to Hawaii where they were vacationing. Amazon refunded their prime membership for that year.:D. I know it didn't help in your installation of your hard drive, but may make your wallet a bit lighter. Hope it is up and running!:pc:
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Terry , Sorry to hear of your technical difficulties. Time is important especially our own. I know Two people who had delivery errors on Amazon's part. Ordering something over night for vacation , they were leaving the next day. They ended up sending the package to Hawaii where they were vacationing. Amazon refunded their prime membership for that year.:D. I know it didn't help in your installation of your hard drive, but may make your wallet a bit lighter. Hope it is up and running!:pc:

Thanks Brenda Disk arrived today and all installed,I used to be a prime member then they hiked the price up to include streaming movie's,but when I was a member they often failed to deliver on time,when I complained they would only give me a months free Prime,admittedly I had a problem every month so I got over 12 months free prime,but a lot of time wasted waiting for non deliveries,then complaining,so when they put the price up I stopped using prime and started to buy a lot more stuff from ebay,so they lost a lot of my business,I still check them for prices and use their free delivery if their price is keen