It is FREEZING here!

No work today. Everything has closed. I feel like a little kid when you find out school is closed on account of bad weather. Yeah me!! :dance: I am doing the "happy dance"!!!!
I am a school teacher and there will be 2 hour delays for schools in the Washington DC area tomorrow on account of the cold. I initially thought that people in this area are wimps when it comes to this weather (I am originally from Pennsylvania), but then again there are a lot of DC area students that walk a good bit to school. So it makes a little sense.
This morning when I went to work, it was -23 F, or -30 C. Now it's up to -12. But at least we didn't get any of the snow here in Minnesota. We already have enough on the ground! :'(
We are still under an emergency watch in our county. No one is suppose to be traveling. They (my work) have already postponed us from going to work until 10:00am because of 10+ inches but it is still around -27F wind chill. This weekend it is suppose to be 40F by the weekend. What the beans is going on? ??? Indiana weather has always been unpredictable but this is crazy.
Well, here in Virginia, it was pleasant this morning but the temperature is rapidly dropping. Supposed to go down to 8F.
Oh it's cold here, but not so cold as 37 below! It might get
down as low as +9F over night, but then it will warm up into
the 30's or 40's. Within a few days, prolly be back into
the 50's.

Our only real weather problem here in central NC is the
middle of Summer when temps can get up close to 100
and nights don't cool off. But by September we settle
down a bit and all is well.

My sister and mother live in Boiling Springs, SC. I love that just in a few miles I can be in the mountains. Beautiful .
My parents lived near Bellville! My brother graduated from Clearfork. I moved in with them for a year, so I know what the winters are like there. My aunt has a house on Catawba Island up on Lake Erie and is snowed in. She didn't leave before the last storm and heard they shut some of the roads down. Keep warm.
I live near Mansfield Ohio, central part of the state! And it is cold!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We had friends in Mansfield (they now live in CA) we used to go and visit.
I used to live in a tiny town in western PA called Laughlintown. It was at the base of Laurel Mountain,Roadway truckers used to run route 30 from Columbus OH to Harrisburgh PA. My father took care of the roads(plowed, filled potholes, etc) and the mountain was quite steep, when the truckers got to the bottom of the mountain they would have to stop and let their brakes cool, my father would bring them to house for coffee.
ahhh, memories.
They predicted freezing rain for the Washington DC area and Loudoun County schools opened two hours late. The school bus drivers still had a terrible time and some kids didn't make it to school until noon.
My parents lived near Bellville! My brother graduated from Clearfork. I moved in with them for a year, so I know what the winters are like there. My aunt has a house on Catawba Island up on Lake Erie and is snowed in. She didn't leave before the last storm and heard they shut some of the roads down. Keep warm.

Very close to me! I work in Mansfield, at the Kohl's there and live in Ashland, but originally from Crestline.

I am happy to report today it is 44 degrees. Think of that, last Monday it was -15. That is almost 60 degrees difference. Like if today was 90 and tomorrow was 30. So strange!!!!!
My aunt just got back from Lake Erie yesterday. She didn't go anywhere for one week. Wind chill was Minus 50 F.. Yesh everyone having a heat wave. I think got to 63 today in tn.!!
My parents lived near Bellville! My brother graduated from Clearfork. I moved in with them for a year, so I know what the winters are like there. My aunt has a house on Catawba Island up on Lake Erie and is snowed in. She didn't leave before the last storm and heard they shut some of the roads down. Keep warm.

Very close to me! I work in Mansfield, at the Kohl's there and live in Ashland, but originally from Crestline.

I am happy to report today it is 44 degrees. Think of that, last Monday it was -15. That is almost 60 degrees difference. Like if today was 90 and tomorrow was 30. So strange!!!!!
Same here. I bet your windchill on Monday was -37 to -45. We always seem to have the same weather. Did you get blasted with snow too?
It's just a bit breezy here in the UK today, took the dogs for a bracing walk on the beach. Keep warm everyone,
