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  1. toodlepip

    Memory foam

    LOL, and I thought this topic was about some weird state of one´s mind :D! Language is an eternal source of fun.
  2. toodlepip

    I'm off to Holmfirth

    A few nice photos would cheer me up too!
  3. toodlepip

    Traumatic night

    What an awful shocking thing to happen, your poor nephew and family! I´m so glad to hear he is getting better now!
  4. toodlepip

    Happy birthday Listen_Elsie

    Happy belated birthday :)!
  5. toodlepip

    Another Summer Wine comic...

    LOL, great, just like the show!
  6. toodlepip

    Important Message from Summer Wine Towers

    Sorry Terry, my arms aren´t that long ;)! Wow, you really are quick!
  7. toodlepip

    Important Message from Summer Wine Towers

    Good luck Terry :)!
  8. toodlepip

    the music blaring from Wesley's Land Rover

    Me too, I love the eunuch´s truss scene :D.
  9. toodlepip

    Jolly Holidays.

    Snow :o?? But yes, I think they got some here in Germany in places too (right now 8 degrees and pouring down, will this never end?). But somehow you seem to have managed to get great holidays anyway, good for you :)!
  10. toodlepip

    Proof from George that Schools are Dangerous Places

    With a funny hat on? Really? Did they do that in England? I think over here (before I was born) they were just sent to the corner to stand there and look at the wall. With a funny hat on sounds interesting :D.
  11. toodlepip

    Fun item that made me laugh!

    Yes, I´d like to have a bag like that, but I would add a "y" to the end ;D.
  12. toodlepip

    Proof from George that Schools are Dangerous Places

    Ow, that´s bad, wouldn´t even have happened to me to make a typo like that ;D.
  13. toodlepip

    drunk Wesley scenes

    At the end of the Woollen Mills Compo and Cleggy sound pretty tipsy when they leave the pub, but Foggy doesn´t.
  14. toodlepip

    Magic Moments

    I agree with all of these, especially the last one with Foggy in the water. Reminds me of a charming thing Peter said to me, a rather Summer Winean thing, he said there is a streak of a 13 year-old in him :D. I generally love it when you can tell the actors are realling enjoying themselves. I...
  15. toodlepip

    Micheal Bates

    I saw bits of that too, and an interview, is that on the DVD also? An interview with Peter being amused about his terrible plummy accent as the vicar ;D.
  16. toodlepip

    Fun item that made me laugh!

    I admit that I don´t get it, what was the monogram meant to be then? I think I have heard Land´s End as a brand before though, but that is about as far as I can get ???. Or was it monogrammed for somebody who then returned it?
  17. toodlepip

    Was Compo an ale drinker?

    Lemonade with milk??? I thought, tea with milk was strange, but lemonade with milk...? We mix lemonade with beer though, as a refresher in summer. I have no idea how it tastes, I love lemonade, but I hate beer.
  18. toodlepip

    the musings of a Junior

    For me it´s Clegg too, and yes, he reminds me a little of myself. And yes, there is a lot of Peter Sallis in him. It always makes me smile also when I see Clegg carrying his mac, because that is exactly what I often have to do, I tend to overdress or at least to always bring a mac of some kind...
  19. toodlepip

    Peter who

    Elmc, I was replying to Norm´s remark, it is an audio play, not a TV production.
  20. toodlepip


    Welcome to the forum, Don :)!