A new quiz

;D THE MYSTERIOUS C.W.NORTHROP. In what episode does Foggy turn Smiler into a killer??

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Nope, no, no, no, no, no, no. No! It's the wrong answer!
:eek: I know its not technically the right answer Chuffer but I thought you would see where i was coming from and give me some leeway! Ambassador Gardens was the only Northrop that came close to Smiler's alter ego when the ladies went looking for him!! I'll give myself 6 out of 10 for being close shall I ?? ::)
;D P.S. If youre being mean at me I'm taking my ball home!!

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Nope, no, no, no, no, no, no. No! It's the wrong answer!
:eek: I know its not technically the right answer Chuffer but I thought you would see where i was coming from and give me some leeway! Ambassador Gardens was the only Northrop that came close to Smiler's alter ego when the ladies went looking for him!! I'll give myself 6 out of 10 for being close shall I ?? ::)

Heh! Yeah, the technically correct answer was C. Northrop. You got the episode which was all that mattered really!
I'm going to jump in with a question here,I hope nobody minds.

In which episode did Norman Clegg say ;
"I never dallied....I never even dillied."
Oooh good question...
Marina.."Norman Clegg that was, who once dallied with my affections" (after being stuck in a lift with him)
Was it 'Catching Digby's Donkey'?
That's a really smashing episode that is and would make my all time list and quite high up.
;D I think him and Armpepper from the Blamire era were cut from similar cloth. :p CRACKERS!!
I am going to have to watch that one - my notes tell me who told them about Bickerdyke, Auntie's selling habits and Barry's concerns and even when the world was going to end: 17 minutes past 2 on a Wednesday!

But first name - nothing so a guess - Samuel?
Can I pass on the baton for the next question please , my minds gone onto a 40 watt bulb!! ::) ;)