Any Arachnophobes on the forum??


LOTSW Fanatic
I've read a few reports in the paper and on MSN lately concerning exotic and native spiders biting people as they've slept etc. There was one recently concerning dangerous spiders coming out of a banana. Has it made anyone else more cautious about spiders in the home. ?? :-\ :o
Spiders will continue to be treated to way they have always been treated in this house.
It starts with a eardrum shattering blood curdling scream and then comes the blood thirsty yelling " Eddie..... Get it.... Don't play with it man KILLL ITTTTTTT" ...... And then finally " Are you dating it or getting rid of it?" or " Either it life's or you do"
Then I climb down from what ever I flung myself on.

Just off to check my bananas and bed. :o
Ha I had to laugh Susan, that sounds like my house. If I go upstairs and Marty hears 'Martyn get up here now, hurry up it's moving' he knows what it is.

If it's in my bedroom and he doesn't get it, I won't sleep there, vile horrible things, and those new bitie ones look real horrid.

If I am on my own, I put a big cup on it, then something heavy cos I know it's so strong it will be able to flip it over and come and get me.
Spiders are much our house they are put out on a bush...unless, of course,
I find them on my bedroom pillow...they don't live too terribly long...not going to have them
crawling around in my hair! And, yes, there are those poisonous ones! We have more than enough of those! In the Spring we usually have a spider barrier sprayed sround the house outside....still....they are good for something, right?
Unfortunately we do get the occasional black widow and
brown recluse here in the South. Them I do fear!!
I don't care if their poisonous or not they don't live long in this house. My husband usually tells me their harmless and they eat the fly's my reply to that is "I'm not afraid of fly's now am I?"
I've read a few reports in the paper and on MSN lately concerning exotic and native spiders biting people as they've slept etc. There was one recently concerning dangerous spiders coming out of a banana. Has it made anyone else more cautious about spiders in the home. ?? :-\ :o

That's why you should never sleep with a banana.
When my youngest Daughter was very small I was determined to portray spiders to her in a more friendly light.
It went well over the top, through her childhood, well into her teens most of the posters on her wall were of enormous "fluffy" spiders, and she quite frequently bounced into the house, cradling a monster in her hands to the utmost horror of all others! Bless her :)

p.s. She's now a Vet (almost)
Susan you are a great story teller! You have a talent of writing!
Cornishman that was wonderful that you were able to keep your daughter unafraid of them.
When my youngest Daughter was very small I was determined to portray spiders to her in a more friendly light.
It went well over the top, through her childhood, well into her teens most of the posters on her wall were of enormous "fluffy" spiders, and she quite frequently bounced into the house, cradling a monster in her hands to the utmost horror of all others! Bless her :)

p.s. She's now a Vet (almost)
My eldest daughter when young was similar to that only with earwigs and centipedes. :-\ ::) Anything with lots of legs!! ;) ;)
I don't care if their poisonous or not they don't live long in this house. My husband usually tells me their harmless and they eat the fly's my reply to that is "I'm not afraid of fly's now am I?"

I would be more afraid of flies as they spread disease, whereas the spider kills the fly! (Cue old Children's Hour favourite "I know an old woman ..."
Wow just posted using mobile! I am becoming
a techie!!

:dance: :respect:

I don't care if their poisonous or not they don't live long in this house. My husband usually tells me their harmless and they eat the fly's my reply to that is "I'm not afraid of fly's now am I?"

I would be more afraid of flies as they spread disease, whereas the spider kills the fly! (Cue old Children's Hour favourite "I know an old woman ..."

Yes I know but we a swatter for fly's I'm quite good with it but spiders Nooooo.