I hope things get better for you. I have a story that I promise is relevant:
This happened when I was in college and it's basically the worst day I've ever had. First, I overslept. I had a 45 minute drive to class because I was going to school in Greenwood and I live in Calhoun Falls, so oversleeping is pretty much the worst thing ever. But I got up and got ready anyway because we had an important review for the midterm and I couldn't afford to miss that. So I got in the car and my hair got stuck in the door because that tends to happen with long hair. So once I got my hair out of the door, I finally cranked up the car and left. Amazingly I managed to get to school. 30 minutes late, but that couldn't be helped. Well, then I had to go upstairs to my classroom and I tripped and hit my head on the rail because I'm so talented I can fall up the stairs. I got yelled at by my teacher when I finally got to class, but other than that, class went by smoothly. Then, I decided to grab a bite to eat off campus during my lunch hour and I go out to the parking lot and discover a parking ticket on my car! I realized that I had parked in visitor parking, which you're not allowed to do, but I had just parked in the first spot I saw because I didn't want to be more late than I already was. So I was pretty upset and I just stuck the ticket in my purse and left. I decided to grab a frozen yogurt. This was before I became a lacto ovo vegetarian, but even back then, I was never one to eat crap like McDonald's or Burger King, I always wanted something less greasy and preferably meatless. So anyway, I went to a local frozen yogurt place and got my favorite flavor and once I finished eating, I went out to my car to get a cigarette, only to discover that I had locked my keys and my cigarettes in the car! So I was basically stranded and fiending for a cigarette! I called Joey because fortunately, I had my phone in my pocket and he was able to get the spare key from my dad and drive to Greenwood and bring it to me. So after all that I didn't even care about my afternoon classes, I just followed Joey's car to his house and we pretty much hung out and drank a pot of coffee. And you would think my bad day was over, but no, it got much worse. Around midnight, Joey and I had the bright idea to go to IHOP in Greenwood because we wanted pancakes. So I ride with him in his car because, I didn't want to take my car back to Greenwood. And because Joey and I grew up like brother and sister, sometimes we fight like brother and sister. So we got into this huge fight in IHOP and I forgot what the fight was about but it ended with him getting up and driving off and leaving me in Greenwood. At that point, I didn't know what else to do, so I paid for the food and left and once I got out to the parking lot, I just broke down and cried. I was alone and stranded a 45 minute drive from my home. I didn't know what else to do but cry! But once I calmed down, I called my dad, who was at work and he was able to actually leave work and come get me, thank goodness. So, the next day, Joey and I weren't speaking to each other, and we usually go to Starbucks together, so one of our friends who works there noticed when I walked in there by myself, and he asked me where Joey was and I told him the whole story. And he said something I'll remember forever. He said that when so many things go wrong at once, it means that everything else is going to go right. And I believe that's true because that night, Joey and I became friends again and I passed all my midterms that week!
So basically, what I'm trying to say is hang in there. Today might be the worst day ever, but tomorrow could be the best day ever.