February 2014 Ask Susan-Pearl

I hate ironing >:( But I don't mind doing anything else. The husband offers to help but I'm a tad OCD and he doesn't do it right, if he does do anything I end up redoing it. ::)

He does do some cooking and washing up sometimes. So I can't moan really.

I'm just happy if he stays out the way! :)
Unfortunately not, my head seems to gravitate to the concrete. :'(
Concrete, lampposts, cars and anything else that's in plan view!

I did pass my cycling proficiency when I was 11 but I think the teacher just felt sorry for me. I had to use my brothers bike because I wasn't allowed one, on the way home I saw my brother and shouted proudly " I passed :dance:) Then I signalled left and turned right............ ::) :me: He told my Mam so that cut any chance of my earning a bike of my own :'(
Noticed you said you were having a rant on Facebook , Would you consider you were a protester?? Would you join a march say, to ban the bomb , or save the whales etc??
Noticed you said you were having a rant on Facebook , Would you consider you were a protester?? Would you join a march say, to ban the bomb , or save the whales etc??

I'd protest for both of those things. I like a good rant ;D
If I believe in something I go all out, I've haven't chained myself to a tree yet but that doesn't mean wouldn't. ;D ;D

Would you Bungee jump?? My son did it at Bognor , another one that only told us when it was over :o :-\
There are several things I did first and fessed up to later, much easier that way ;D ;D

I intend doing a bungee jump within the next couple of years, at the latest for my 55 birthday. I have a bucket list and I'm going through it slowly ;D
How's the pancake marathon gone this morn ::) :)

It complete mayhem, their all on a sugar rush and house is a tip but they loved it. One of the twins found a hammer and was chasing the other two round with it, I must be getting old took me ages to catch the little monkey and get off him so I think they had their sugar quota for this week. ;D ;D ;D
I'm not sure I want a video tape of me running round after a 5 year old who's wielding a hammer and laughing like some crazy midget Freddie Cruger. TV's on now so things have quietened down thanks heavens ;D :yawn: :yawn: