Full Steam Behind.


Staff member
I have never really liked this episode but I have noticed that many of you do, so I thought I'd watch it again objectively this time to see if I can spot what it is you all seem to like and I can't. The atmosphere is different on this one and the fact that Foggy had never before or since mentioned he liked trains just leaves me puzzled.

I'm not saying its a bad episode but it's like watching a different program, now this could just well be just me not really being into trains and such so I'd like to ask all of those of you that like this episode, other than the train and nude picture in the cabin what is it about this one you like?
Now that you've drawn my attention to it, you're right — it is like watching a different show. I hadn't thought about Foggy's having never mentioned before nor since that he was interested in trains. First time I saw it, I was captured at the very start by the glimpse of Clegg's domesticity, and then by the train, even though I'm not interested in trains except when I need to travel from point A to point B.

In fact, it was that episode that prompted me to find out about the KWVR and then to skip breakfast at my lodgings in Huddersfield in order to get to Keighley for the first steam-powered trip of the day. That gave me time to get off at each station and take photos until the next train came along, photograph that train arriving, then continue. I traveled to the end of the line in that manner, then came straight back to Keighley in order to get a late afternoon train back to Huddersfield. It was a lovely day out.

But consider ... this is NOT just about trains, and it's not
just about Yorkshire, nor is it just about our lads. Rather it
is a celebration of the opening of the Keighley & Worth
Valley Railway
that runs from Oxenhope up to Keighley.
To my mind, this is an important episode. It also focuses
just on our three lads, no extras (which is very

But still, the steam engine used is really beautiful. But if
you're not into trains, this is not for you.
I enjoyed this episode and yes it was a good advert for the K&WVR plus we had the lads being idiots I liked when they went up and down past the dignatorys and Compo trying to get get on the loco ,incedentialy the boards were put down especialy and are still there.
I also enjoyed this episode as I used to live close to the KWVR, but it is a unique episode with just the trio,the railway used to sell postcards with pictures of the trio on the loco
I also enjoyed this episode as I used to live close to the KWVR, but it is a unique episode with just the trio,the railway used to sell postcards with pictures of the trio on the loco

So basically its the trains you all like?
No I just like that the trio are complete idiots in this one. Watching them chase the train. Lots of good one-liners.....;D
So basically its the trains you all like?

Not at first. It was Clegg's ordinary life prior to Foggy's arrival. When they got into the meat of the episode, though, I unexpectedly discovered an interest in that particular train and restored rail line, although not in trains as a general interest.

I'm with Beth on this one, we start off with Cleggy entertaining Compo and then Foggy coming in all excited and insisting on taking them to the railway. After that it 's classic Summer Wine. Compo grumbling cause they have to walk. They get on the line into the old hut ,more classic Compo looking at the calendar . Then they get near the train, Compo messes with the controls ,starts the engine running and jumps off. All hell breaks loose afterwards and we see more slapstick , chasing the train and finally boarding it . they think it's stopped but it hasn't . Then at the end they are walking away intending to have nothing more to do with it but it appears to follow them , much like a stray dog. Their expressions as they realise and start to run :13: Pure Slapstick!!:eek::eek:
CLICK!! As much as I have always loved Full Steam Behind, perhaps
as my all-time favorite, your description/narration makes me love
it even more!! Gonna watch it again tonight!! WOW!! Great
writing there. I'm hooked all over again.

I am not into trains at all and don't anything about KWVR, yet it is one of my favorites.

Reason #1 - The contrast between Foggy's extreme enthusiasm and Compo and Clegg's apathy (Compo and Clegg are bit of a captive audience).

Reason #2 - Train Mishaps

Reason #3 - The hut scene, where there is more of Foggy's enthusiasm and Compo and Clegg thinking he lost his mind.

And for the fact that Foggy never mentioned trains before- once again it is all creative license.
As for Pearl and Marianna feeling like it was a differnet show altogether; I felt tere are a handful of episodes like that- Who Made a Splash in Wales, Then, Ferret Come Home, and Many of the travelling episodes. These episodes that are rather different keep Summer Wine fresh in my opinion.
What Dick said rings true, pure slapstick comedy. Not being a train lover, it is beautiful to see the steam engine puff away. Seeing the trio try to run the train, get it started , turn it around on a dime!!!!! Yeah right. They were inexperienced in running trains,Foggy thought he had it made, thought he could figure it out. Sad to say he just knew where the whistle was. LOL. For all of that inexperience is what made this episode for me.

FYI, when Clegg was ironing compo's tie, you see him switch ties right before he hands Compo his nicely pressed unwrinkled tie. ;)
I only saw this episode for the first time recently and I certainly think it is one of the strongest in the show`s entire run.

Foggy may well not have mentioned trains before but I still don`t think it is out of character for him. It fits in very well I think and many people who certainly aren`t train spotters get excited about steam trains.

The fact that the episode is a little bit different is a massive positive. It has a very nicely structured plot and the fact that there they didn`t crowbar in a visit to the cafe, for example, is a plus too.

There is a lot of very well done physical and verbal humour. The balance is just right.

Only one negative about the episode for me. When the characters climb into the train it is soooo obvious that they are stunt doubles. Sidney Lotterby was a great director but this was one of his few faults (more evidence can be witnessed in the terrible horse riding scene in the following episode!).
Rather it is a celebration of the opening of the Keighley & Worth
Valley Railway that runs from Oxenhope up to Keighley.

This puzzled me but maybe I am misreading its intent. This episode was broadcast in 1979. The KWVR Preservation Society was formed in 1962 and the line reopened in 1968.
Okay, Okay, so sue me.

I meant to say that it was the celebration (!!) of
the opening of the K&WVRR.

Sorry Big Unc.

In either case it was an important episode and really
well done and all.
I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall while they filmed this episode. They probably had a blast filming this one.
My favorite one liner in this episode is when Foggy says "Oh God he owes me money", after seeing Compo fade away on the runaway train. ;D
My favorite one liner in this episode is when Foggy says "Oh God he owes me money", after seeing Compo fade away on the runaway train. ;D

Me too, and when he replies, " I don't care about the money", "yes ,I care about the money". That was a good one!

Compo's face was priceless when the train started to move with him on it. OMG:30::30: