Full Steam Behind.

It is well known that Bill did not get on with Mr Wilde and Clegg seemed to keep apart ,Bill stayed in a cottage rather than stay with the others .The fact that it did not show in recordings attests to their ability as actors the show is a masterpiece and none has been as good since (maybe I am biased !!!!!!! )This episode was a change from the usual format and was a lot better than the circus one which I never liked .PS anybody know how much Marinas bike made?
Makes me wonder what I would do with Marina's bicycle. I wouldn't ride it. ......I would be afraid of where it might go I suppose. ;D
It is well known that Bill did not get on with Mr Wilde and Clegg seemed to keep apart ,Bill stayed in a cottage rather than stay with the others .The fact that it did not show in recordings attests to their ability as actors the show is a masterpiece and none has been as good since (maybe I am biased !!!!!!! )This episode was a change from the usual format and was a lot better than the circus one which I never liked .PS anybody know how much Marinas bike made?

As for Pearl and Marianna feeling like it was a differnet show altogether; I felt there are a handful of episodes like that- Who Made a Splash in Wales, Then, Ferret Come Home, and Many of the travelling episodes. These episodes that are rather different keep Summer Wine fresh in my opinion.

I agree that a few episodes that break the usual mould are good.
.... and the fact that Foggy had never before or since mentioned he liked trains just leaves me puzzled.


Many of us might mention our interest in trains - but possibly only very occasionally or even only once. We do not go round repeating it a great deal. Some might have noticed that some of us comment on rail and older steam trains from time to time but I can imagine Foggy getting into the spirit of reliving a boyhood dream.

Come on - how many of those over 60 did not think about steam trains when they were younger?

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barmpot;171553 Come on - how many of those over 60 did not think about steam trains when they were younger? [CENTER said:
::) ::) ::)[/CENTER]

Well that bit lets me out. :D

So it seems I've been put in my place on this subject and as a sorry to those that love it I watched it again this afternoon. :me::me:
Come on - how many of those over 60 did not think about steam trains when they were younger?

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Must be a guy thing! I'm well over sixty and I almost never thought of them.

I rode on a steam-powered passenger train for the better part of a day once when I was four years old, and the only thought I had about them forever after was how sooty and uncomfortable the experience was. The train stations were in town, about 13 miles from our farm, and when we went into town once a week we had no reason to go near them. The nearest tracks were about 7 miles from the farm, so I very seldom saw trains. No reason for them to impinge upon my consciousness.

Now I think about trains in general only as a service that's lacking in my area. The nearest passenger station is over a hundred miles from here and the trains from there don't go anywhere that I want to go. There are many freight trains per day passing through this area and making a lot of noise, but all of the freight into and out of here moves by road.

It's a shame that passenger service is so limited these days here in the US. However, when my in-laws were alive and living in Florida, sometimes when we made our annual visit, we would put the car (and us) on the Autotrain which is a special train with several train cars designed to hold cars and of course, regular passenger cars with a departure from Lorton, Virginia, at around 4:30 pm and arrival the next morning in Sanford, Florida. It's popular with many retirees who reside part of the year in Florida. There are also many steam trains that have been rescued, about 20 or so, that are run for the tourists over short distances which are operated privately and maintained by steam train aficionados.
I do recall hearing quite a while ago, where it was mentioned to bring back travel by train, like Marianna said, mostly cargo hauling. I am sure there are some metropolitan areas on the east and west coast that probably have train service for passengers. We don't see it here in middle tn. Rescued steam in tourist areas. Seen one in the Smokey Mtns. in the 90's.
Once when on holiday in Florida we made a trip to Sandford and I had a look round the yard photographing the locos,didnt realise it was a dodgy area!We we.nt on a fabulous river trip from Sandford also they were making the film Me And My Girl so an interesting day.
Must be a guy thing! I'm well over sixty and I almost never thought of them.


Ah well I thought about steam trains when I was younger - my father and grandfather were both employed by the Southern Railway when I was born (British Railways was an idea but not quite there) so the lure of rails could have been in my blood!

Also fostered by the Eagle (a boys comic for those who do not know) that had these superb cutaway drawings on the top half of the centre spread - often they were steam engines.