My wife took the job she has now because of healthcare. We'd just had our first child and she lost her job(downsizing), she took a huge pay cut but we had free (except the co-pay) healthcare.
It has been good, she started at ground level and has moved up in the company and now is sort' of a big wig. She loves helping people and the company and very personable. Not the EvilHMO's you hear about on the TV.
They are consistently one of the top healthcare organizations in the country and with very low overhead.
Her boss was asked to meet with Barack about how they have been so successful and such, something to do with setting up our healthcare system?????
If I had to pay for healthcare through the company I work for we would be done for. It would be close $900.00 a month to cover a family of 4.
I'm very thankful for what I have, and all the long hours she puts in to make them successful.
Although,,, I do use up some healthcare as much as I get hurt :me:
Exactly,Blimey thats over £500 a month!!
Most people,here at my work, simply go without insurance and hope they don't get sick. If they do, then they go to a "walk-in clinic" and just pay cash for the services.
Doctor's visit runs about $150-$300 and then if you need a prescription that would be extra. Some pharmacies here in Florida, (if it is an antibiotic) have generic and it is like $7.
I read things like that and thank you Universe for the NHS, it must be scary when you have kids and no insurance. My girls were always banging their heads and having stitches I shudder to think what would have happened if we didn't have the money to get them treated.
Yes, I have it good, many don't.
About 2 months ago ( which I didn't tell you all, sorry) I knocked my head. I was working in my shop and I guess I raised up too quick and walloped my head.
I don't remember what happened, in fact, I don't remember anything that happened for about 20 minutes before and about 10 minutes after.My wife was in the pool and heard a loud bang follow by a curse word and then she found me with my shirt over my head and covered in blood. Not sure why my shirt was over my head??
My wife had a good giggle when I told her I hit my head on the bug zapper. I put that up for them about 20 minutes before hitting my head. It was the last thing I remembered. I also walked to my neighbor's house (because I knew she was a retired nurse) and told her a bunch of stuff that I don't remember. (my wife went in to call the doc and change from her bathing suit) I guess I just wondered off waiting for her?
I ended up with only 8 stiches (they wanted to do staples and I said no way) and a very nice concussion. I have had them in the past but never lost memory. Lost consciousness before,but not memory. Felt very nauseous for a couple days.
Got a nice scar, "girls dig scars!!!" hehe :respect:
Anyway! off on a story, sorry.
The cost was $25.
If I didn't have insurance it would have been in the hundreds maybe even close to $1000.
It is sad really and I wish this new system was better than it is. From what I hear, you still have to pay and there is a market place where insurance companies compete over your business. My wife's company is not in the "market place" yet, they want to wait till the bugs are worked out first, then possibly join.
Another thing is that if you don't choose an insurance company the IRS will fine you personally. If folks can't afford insurance, they can't afford insurance, I'm not sure how fining them is going to help?? I think they will just ignore the fine and they get fines on top of fines, which make their situation worse.
? Don't know the answer. Sad really
Compo: Why is he trying to whip me with that stick Norm?
Clegg: Cause he hasn't anything heavier?
Another thing is that if you don't choose an insurance company the IRS will fine you personally. If folks can't afford insurance, they can't afford insurance, I'm not sure how fining them is going to help?? I think they will just ignore the fine and they get fines on top of fines, which make their situation worse.
? Don't know the answer. Sad really
Most people,here at my work, simply go without insurance and hope they don't get sick. If they do, then they go to a "walk-in clinic" and just pay cash for the services.
Doctor's visit runs about $150-$300 and then if you need a prescription that would be extra. Some pharmacies here in Florida, (if it is an antibiotic) have generic and it is like $7.
I read things like that and thank you Universe for the NHS, it must be scary when you have kids and no insurance. My girls were always banging their heads and having stitches I shudder to think what would have happened if we didn't have the money to get them treated.
Another thing is that if you don't choose an insurance company the IRS will fine you personally. If folks can't afford insurance, they can't afford insurance, I'm not sure how fining them is going to help?? I think they will just ignore the fine and they get fines on top of fines, which make their situation worse.
? Don't know the answer. Sad really
Compo: Why is he trying to whip me with that stick Norm?
Clegg: Cause he hasn't anything heavier?
You guys have Publix down there don't you Wesley? I think they give specific antibiotics for free. Not all of them, just the basic, but I got a script once and didn't have to pay.
My father needed a triple bypass heart surgery when I was 17, at that time 1990, he went in and did the stress test , failed it, and then had the surgery.
The total cost out of our pocket was $5,
Now, co-pays have went way up.
On our insurance, to go to the ER, it is $250. specialist $40, and the regular doc is $15, unless it is after hours then it is $25.
What I hate is if you have a surgery, say, what I need right now, knee surgery, it is $15 to have the surgery. But what kills me is, to go to the physical therapist you have to pay $40 each time(specialist). With my shoulder surgery, they wanted to see me twice a week. So $80 bucks a week, too much, I did it to get better with the shoulder, but I think I'll hobble around for a while before getting the knee done.
What I hate is if you have a surgery, say, what I need right now, knee surgery, it is $15 to have the surgery. But what kills me is, to go to the physical therapist you have to pay $40 each time(specialist). With my shoulder surgery, they wanted to see me twice a week. So $80 bucks a week, too much, I did it to get better with the shoulder, but I think I'll hobble around for a while before getting the knee done.
, to go to the physical therapist you have to pay $40 each time(specialist). With my shoulder surgery, they wanted to see me twice a week. So $80 bucks a week, too much, I did it to get better with the shoulder, but I think I'll hobble around for a while before getting the knee done.