Greetings from Oklahoma


Dedicated Member
:17: Hi, I'm Marilyn, 71, living in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, USA. I've been reading the forum for several years and finally decided to join.

Ten years ago, a co-worker told me she loved Summer Wine and never missed it. I watched a couple times but didn't like it. A couple years later, I tried watching again but got confused - different characters each time I watched. So I went on YouTube and watched from the beginning to end. At that time, all the episodes were there. I watched the whole series through 3 times before YouTube shut that provider down. But obviously by that time I was hooked.

Our PBS station still runs it Monday through Thursday, two episodes a night with repeats the next afternoon. But I've been gradually buying the DVD's with credit card points or gift money.

I love many things about the series but am so impressed with the music. Ronnie Hazlehurst is a true genius as of course is Roy Clarke. I frequently listen to the program even when I can't watch it and the music really tells the story.

I'm usually online late evenings when many of you are in bed, but occasionally I get a chance to get on during the day when most of you are around.
Glad you joined us after all that time,also that you stuck watching the series,you must of known that at some point you would get hooked,Terry
Welcome from Virginia. I'm very fortunate to be able to catch LOTSW twice a day. You may wish to see if you can find LOTSW "home movies" on UTUBE.
Thanks all of you for the warm welcome. Since I've been reading the forum for I while, I feel like I know many of you already.
Welcome from Virginia. I'm very fortunate to be able to catch LOTSW twice a day. You may wish to see if you can find LOTSW "home movies" on UTUBE.

I do watch LOTSW on YouTube quite a bit, but many of the later episodes (after Compo's passing) are no longer on there. They used to be on Daily Motion and another site I labeled as FAV, but they aren't there any longer either.
Welcome to the forum Marilyn. Tennessee fan here! I am also on late at night after work, and occasionally during the day when most are on. Hope to chat with you soon.