Dedicated Member

Ten years ago, a co-worker told me she loved Summer Wine and never missed it. I watched a couple times but didn't like it. A couple years later, I tried watching again but got confused - different characters each time I watched. So I went on YouTube and watched from the beginning to end. At that time, all the episodes were there. I watched the whole series through 3 times before YouTube shut that provider down. But obviously by that time I was hooked.
Our PBS station still runs it Monday through Thursday, two episodes a night with repeats the next afternoon. But I've been gradually buying the DVD's with credit card points or gift money.
I love many things about the series but am so impressed with the music. Ronnie Hazlehurst is a true genius as of course is Roy Clarke. I frequently listen to the program even when I can't watch it and the music really tells the story.
I'm usually online late evenings when many of you are in bed, but occasionally I get a chance to get on during the day when most of you are around.