

I didn't see anything from me here so I will tell you about me. We started watching Briish shows back in the 80's I believe. I was channel searching one night since we only had antenna and happened onto DR. Who which I love to watch and as I watched more of the channel, Last of the summer wine came on and other great British shows which we now watch and have since then. We live in Oklahome in the central US and about 2 miles from the Arkansa State line and one of the Cherokee Casinno's which I do not visit unless we are going out to eat. They have a great food bar and is divided into different nationalities in different sections. We love fishing, camping, and other outside things that we are able to do, but with a messed uo back, I am limited. My wife is around 25 years older with a list of medical problems but we are able to watch Last of the Summer Wine 3 time a night on most nights except weekends and DR. Who on Friday nights and Are you being served, Hyacinth Bucket and Doc Martin has recently come on and I watch it. I think you have better shows than we do even if they are the older one's. Thanks for letting me be a member with all of you and I will post more (As Time Goes By) love this one also.

Welcome Mike you will find many other folk your side of the pond on here,so nice you could join us, Terry
Hello Mike. There are a few of us from the US. I am from Indiana. Did u go through those awful tornados this year? You will love this group. They have put up with this "dabt" American very well. ;D

Welcome to the Forum!! I'm from DC, slightly outside of the Beltway and my husband's name is also Mike. I watch so much British TV that when I watch shows on this side of the Pond, it is almost strange to see the drivers side on the left. I'm not even sure when I started watching LOTSW, but I think that it was sometime in the 1990's. I encourage you to get onto YouTube or buy the DVD's as PBS NEVER runs the Christmas and other specials, and they often introduced new characters on these shows. Once again welcome to the Forum.
Welcome to the forum Mike, Great to have you here and look forward to your input. These folks are great on here and I'm proud to be a part of such a great group. Florida here, Have a great time!!!
Wife and I are also from the US -- Durham NC.

We have been watching Brit shows for many years and have the complete
LOTSW on DVDs, both BBC and our own. We watch one SW every night before
bed -- with a small glass of single-malt scotch whiskey.

We watch very little US TV except for the News, MASH, and West Wing
that we own. BTW - you can often get a much better price on boxed
sets of US TV shows thru amazon.co.uk as long as your DVD player will do
Region=2 and DIVx.
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome. Haven't been on much because of health problems etc. Doctor gave me a scare the other day said I had clogged arteries heart enlargement going on and heart damage so they did a heart cath last week, cut me open in the groin, ran camera up my artery and looked around. No clogging going on and everything looks good. Do have some heart damage from blood pressure being up too high too long, but hopefully it is under control now. Have a lot of trouble sleeping at night. My nights run from about 4:00 am till 8:30 till 9:30 am. Will get it right again someday. Thanks everyone for the welcome.